Hearing news

Activist İris Mozalar: My aim was not to incite hatred, but to criticize the crime

Activist İris Mozalar: My aim was not to incite hatred, but to criticize the crime


Eylem Sonbahar

The trial of LGBT+ activist İris Mozalar, who is being prosecuted for her social media posts criticizing racist attacks against refugees, continued in Istanbul, with heavy security measures in place at the courthouse. Police set up barriers in the corridor leading to the courtroom and followed Mozalar until she left the courthouse.

The case against Mozalar stems from her posts condemning racist attacks targeting Syrians in Kayseri, a central Turkish province. She is charged with "publicly inciting hatred and enmity." The second hearing of the case took place at the Istanbul 61st Criminal Court of First Instance.

Mozalar was initially detained on July 10 due to four social media posts. She was arrested the following day but released on July 12.

Courtroom security measures and defense statements

Before the hearing, police set up barriers in the corridor leading to the courtroom. When Mozalar’s lawyers questioned whether this was ordered by the judge, they were told it was a "security measure."

Appearing in court with her lawyers, Mozalar defended herself by stating that her posts criticized discrimination and violence against people with diverse identities in Turkey. "These posts were never intended to incite hatred or enmity. I was merely expressing my personal thoughts," she said.

Mozalar argued that she was neither a public figure nor a politician and that her tweets were not capable of inciting hostility or violence. "Criticizing an event by referencing historical incidents to prevent their recurrence does not encourage hatred. What I wrote reflects my desire to prevent certain incidents from escalating. Reminding people of history does not incite hatred, nor does remembering equate to holding grudges. Anyone who reads my words objectively would understand that I do not want these events to repeat. My statements are, in fact, the exact opposite of an attempt to incite hatred and hostility," she said.

Mozalar also stated that she faced rights violations and ill-treatment during her detention and called for the charges against her to be dismissed. "I demand an immediate end to this prosecution and my acquittal following a fair trial," she said.

Prosecutor calls for conviction, next hearing set for February 26

The prosecutor presented his final opinion, arguing that Mozalar had committed the offense of "publicly inciting hatred and enmity" and requested that she be sentenced.

Mozalar and her lawyers requested additional time to prepare their defense in response to the prosecutor’s statement. The court accepted this request and postponed the trial to February 26.

Following the hearing, a significant number of civil and riot police continued to monitor Mozalar as she left the courthouse.


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