
Baransu and Çoban's hearing was adjourned until December

Baransu and Çoban's hearing was adjourned until December

Şahin Berber, İstanbulProsecutors requested a sentence of between 26 and 52 years for two journalists involved in the publication of an article by now-defunct newspaper Taraf titled “Decision to pay Gülen off was taken at the National Security Council in 2004”.

Mehmet Baransu, a former reporter for Taraf, and Murat Şevki Çoba, the former managing editor, were accused of possessing and revealing classified national security documents in their hearing at Anadolu 10th High Criminal Court. Attendance at the hearing was sparse. Baransu was unable to attend because he was making another court appearance at İstanbul 23rd High Criminal Court. Ferhat Çağıl’s, previously Çoban’s lawyer, was absent as he has filed his resignation from the case.

The court adjourned the hearing until December 12 to complete adding documents to the case file and to allow for more defendants to be joined.

Updated: November 29 2018


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