
Boğaziçi University Film Club claims censorship and threats from administration

Boğaziçi University Film Club claims censorship and threats from administration

Boğaziçi University threatens to cancel all student events after film screening controversy

In a statement shared by Boğaziçi University Film Club (BÜ(S)K), the university administration threatened to cancel all student events following the screening of the film Midsommar on July 31. The controversy arose despite the film being pre-approved by the rectorate's 'Department of Culture, Arts, and Events.'

According to the statement, which was posted on the club's Twitter account on August 14 and supported by 37 student clubs and organizations, the film was deemed by the administration as "contrary to social values" and "infringing on people's freedom," leading to threats to cancel the event. The rectorate also ordered the removal of the term "BÜLGBTİA+" from the club's social media accounts, warning that failure to comply would result in the accounts being shut down.

The statement further revealed that during the meeting, the administration hinted at other methods to disrupt future events, including turning off the electricity or claiming to water the lawn to prevent gatherings.



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