
Censorship on MLSA: Access bans imposed on two news reports

Censorship on MLSA: Access bans imposed on two news reports


Access bans imposed on two news reports about lawsuits against journalists on

Access to two news reports published on has been blocked. The reports, from 2020 and 2021, cover defamation cases filed by Berat Albayrak and President Erdoğan's former lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal.

MLSA's legal team plans to appeal the access bans.

On July 9, access was blocked to a 2020 report about the defamation case against BirGün newspaper employees, filed by Berat Albayrak, and a 2021 report on the defamation case against journalists İzel Sezer and Doğan Ergün, filed by Mustafa Doğan İnal.

Since 2023, a total of 63 pieces of content published on MLSA and FreeWebTurkey have faced access bans. In February, the Constitutional Court ruled that the access bans on MLSA and FreeWebTurkey violated freedom of expression.

FreeWebTurkey report: thousands of news stories face access bans in 2023

The "FreeWebTurkey 2023 Internet Censorship Report," set to be released on Friday, July 12, highlights the censorship of the press through access bans in Turkey.

To register for the launch event in Istanbul, click here.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.