Court adjourns hearing of journalists Aziz Oruç and Ersin Çaksu

Trial where journalists Aziz Oruç and Ersin Çaksu are accused of “denigrating the Turkish state, its government, judicial organs, military and police force” resumed today at İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.
The journalists are tried due to their news reports and columns published in the now-shut Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper between the dates October 21 and November 1, 2016.
Journalist Oruç, whom the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) defends, was not present at the hearing and was represented by his lawyer.
The prosecutor requested the execution of the arrest warrant in the name of Çaksu. Oruç’s lawyer requested the completion of the missing documents in the case file.
The court decided to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant and adjourned the hearing until July 13, 2021.