Hearing news

Court denies journalist Abdurrahman Gök’s request to lift travel ban

Court denies journalist Abdurrahman Gök’s request to lift travel ban


Deniz Tekin

A Turkish court has ruled to maintain the international travel ban on journalist Abdurrahman Gök, who is on trial due to his journalistic activities. The Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court decided to wait for the outcome of an ongoing investigation against him and a case currently under appeal at the Court of Cassation before reconsidering the travel restriction.

Gök, an editor for the Mezopotamya News Agency (MA), was detained for 225 days based on his news-related social media posts, phone calls with fellow journalists, social security records, published reports, and witness testimony. He is facing charges of "membership in a terrorist organization" and "spreading terrorist propaganda."

During the sixth hearing of his trial, Gök and his lawyer attended the session, along with observers including Selman Çiçek, co-chair of the Dicle Fırat Journalists Association, Felat Bozarslan, head of the Southeastern Journalists Association (GGC), and several other journalists.

Gök, in his defense statement, argued that the travel ban prevents him from carrying out his profession, stating: "I have never considered leaving the country. I was previously prosecuted for my journalism and acquitted. I believe I am innocent and will be acquitted again. I request the removal of my travel ban."

His lawyer, Resul Temur, also urged the court to lift the restriction, emphasizing that it hinders Gök’s ability to work as a journalist.

The prosecutor recommended that the case’s missing elements be addressed and that the request to lift the travel ban be evaluated at the time of the final verdict.

The court ruled to inquire about the status of the investigation against Gök and to wait for the decision from the Court of Cassation on his appeal. It rejected his request to lift the travel ban, stating that it would be considered along with the final ruling in the case.

The next hearing is scheduled for April 22.



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