Upcoming Trials

December 23 Week: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Trials

 December 23 Week: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Trials





This week, trials related to journalism and freedom of expression, opened on various charges, will continue to be heard.
Throughout the week, MLSA Trial Monitoring Unit will share updates on the proceedings in Turkish and English via @MLSADavaTakip.

December 24, Tuesday
09:00 AM – The sixth hearing of the case against 71 students detained during a police intervention at a tent set up to protest 'appointed rectors' at Boğaziçi University, following a complaint by Rector Naci İnci, charged with "violating the Law No. 2911," will be held at Istanbul 27th Criminal Court of First Instance.
09:45 AM – The case filed by MLSA’s Legal Unit challenging the circular issued by the General Directorate of Security, granting law enforcement officers the authority to prevent audio and video recordings during public events, will be heard at the 10th Chamber of the Council of State.
10:30 AM – The second hearing of the case against journalist Burhan Ekinci, represented by MLSA, charged with "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" based on his social media posts, will take place at Istanbul 30th High Criminal Court.

December 25, Wednesday

09.30 - The sixth hearing of the closure case against Migration Watch Association will be held at Bakırköy 15th Civil Court of First Instance.
10:30 AM – The second hearing of the case against 30 individuals detained during house raids following their attempt to march from Saraçhane to Taksim on May 1, 2024, charged with "resisting to prevent duty," "participating in unlawful meetings and demonstrations without dispersing despite warnings," "intentional injury," and "damage to public property," will be heard at Istanbul 44th Criminal Court of First Instance. During the first hearing, 25 individuals detained were released.
02:00 PM – The first hearing of the case against journalist Sultan Keleş, represented by MLSA, charged with "publicly insulting the president in a consecutive manner" based on her social media posts, will take place at Izmir 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.

December 26, Thursday
10:05 AM – The retrial of Özgür Gündem newspaper executives and writers Hüseyin Aykol, Ayşe Batumlu Kaya, Eren Keskin, and Reyhan Çapan, charged with "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" and "openly inciting others to commit crimes" for allegedly publishing content legitimizing violent acts, will continue at Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court.
01:30 PM – The first hearing of the case against former Search and Rescue Association (AKUT) President Nasuh Mahruki, charged with "publicly disseminating misleading information" based on his X account posts about election fraud allegations, will be held at Istanbul 15th Criminal Court of First Instance. Mahruki was detained on November 20 and released on December 5.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.