
Dink family files criminal complaint against public officials

Dink family files criminal complaint against public officials

July 17, 2024

Rabia Çetin

In the case concerning the murder of Hrant Dink, Editor-in-Chief of Agos newspaper, the Dink family’s lawyers have filed a criminal complaint against former Istanbul Police Chief Celalettin Cerrah, former Istanbul Intelligence Branch Chief Ahmet İlhan Güler, and former Intelligence Department Chief Engin Dinç, among others, for “violating the constitution” and “premeditated murder.”

The sixth hearing of the retrial of 15 public officials, seven of whom are in custody, was held at Istanbul's 14th High Criminal Court. Present in the courtroom were detained defendants Veysal Şahin, Gazi Günay, Okan Şimşek, and Muharrem Demirkale, as well as Ali Öz, who is under house arrest. Other detained defendants, Hasan Durmuşoğlu, Osman Gülbel, and Yavuz Karakaya, attended via SEGBIS from their prisons, while the non-detained defendants joined from their respective cities. The hearing was attended by the Dink family’s lawyers, friends of Hrant Dink, journalists, and relatives of the defendants.

After the Court of Cassation’s 3rd Criminal Chamber overturned the previous verdict, the retrial commenced with the prosecutor reiterating their request for the defendants to be punished for “violating the constitution” and “premeditated murder.”

Dink family's lawyer files complaint against several officials

Hülya Deveci, a lawyer for the Dink family, highlighted deficiencies in the investigation, emphasizing that the path leading to the murder was not thoroughly investigated and no protective measures were taken for Dink in Istanbul. Deveci requested the prosecution of Celalettin Cerrah, Ahmet İlhan Güler, Engin Dinç, former Trabzon Police Chief Reşat Altay, former Trabzon Intelligence Branch officer Ercan Demir, police officer Muhittin Zenit, former Intelligence Department Chief Sabri Uzun, and Gendarmerie officer Hacı Ömer Ünalır under Article 309 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) for attempting to overthrow the constitutional order by force and violence. She also called for the prosecution of Volkan Şahin under Article 83 for “premeditated murder through omission.”

'I acted within the state's hierarchy'

Hasan Durmuşoğlu, the deputy chief of the Trabzon Intelligence Branch at the time, defended himself via SEGBIS, stating, “I acted within the state's hierarchy and did not commit any crime. I was unaware of the murder plot and the perpetrators, including Ogün Samast. I am innocent and request acquittal.”

Osman Gülbel, another former deputy chief from the Intelligence Department, also joined via SEGBIS and defended himself, asserting, “I was only aware of the F4 report, which did not include the shooter’s details. I severed my ties with the Trabzon branch in September 2006. I request acquittal.”

'I was made a scapegoat, the truth was twisted'

Veysal Şahin, a former Trabzon Gendarmerie Intelligence officer, stated, “I was limited in my authority and responsibility. I reported the information to my superiors, but they did not act. I have no connection to the murder planners or perpetrators and request acquittal.”

Gazi Günay, another former Trabzon Gendarmerie Intelligence officer, asserted his innocence and lack of connection to the murder plot.

Onur Karakaya, a former Trabzon Intelligence Branch officer, also requested acquittal, joining the hearing via SEGBIS.

The defense statements of Muharrem Demirkale and Yavuz Karakaya, both former Istanbul Gendarmerie Intelligence officers, were not taken as their lawyers were absent.

Case adjourned until the next day

The hearing was adjourned until the following day at 10 a.m.

About the case

The trial of public officials responsible for Hrant Dink's murder began in April 2016. Officials from the Istanbul and Trabzon Police Departments and the Intelligence Department are accused of failing to protect Dink despite having prior knowledge of the murder plot and of falsifying documents after the crime.

In July 2019, the cases of the shooter and instigators were separated. Erhan Tuncel was sentenced to 99 years and six months, Yasin Hayal to seven years and six months, and Ogün Samast to two years and six months in prison. The trial of the public officials continues.

In March 2021, a panel led by Akın Gürlek, who later became Deputy Minister of Justice, concluded the case involving 76 defendants. Thirty-seven public officials were acquitted, while 26 received various prison sentences, including life imprisonment for six defendants. The Court of Cassation overturned some acquittals and sentences in June 2023, leading to the ongoing retrial.

Prosecutor Süleyman Erturan has requested the punishment of 12 defendants for “premeditated murder” and 10 for “attempting to overthrow the constitutional order.”

Two former Istanbul Gendarmerie officers, Muharrem Demirkale and Yavuz Karakaya, face similar charges in a separate trial in Ankara. The prosecutor also requested increased penalties under the Anti-Terror Law for all defendants, except for fugitive Faruk Sarı.


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