Documentary filmmaker Koray Kesik released with travel ban

   Documentary filmmaker Koray Kesik released with travel ban

MLSA - Documentary filmmaker Koray Kesik, detained for four days, has been released with a travel ban by the İzmir Criminal Judgeship of Peace. Kesik was charged with "membership in an organization" due to his involvement in the documentary film "Bakur". He was detained following a raid on his residence in İzmir on the night of May 2.

During his detention, Kesik was interrogated at the Police Headquarters, where he faced questions regarding the "Bakur" documentary and his book "Bakur Notes". He was then brought before the Criminal Judgeship of Peace without a prosecutor’s statement being taken.

Kesik, who served as the cinematographer for "Bakur - North", expressed his gratitude to the entire documentary and cinema community for their support after his release. He also thanked the MLSA Legal Unit for their assistance during his detention.

In December 2023, journalist Ertuğrul Mavioğlu and director Çayan Demirel, who worked on the "Bakur" documentary, were sentenced to 2 years and 13 months in prison on charges of "propaganda for a terrorist organization". This verdict was upheld last week by the Gaziantep Regional Court of Justice, which denied their appeal.

Details of Kesik's interrogation

During the May 6 interrogation at the Police Headquarters, Kesik was questioned about who directed him while filming the "Bakur" documentary, whether participants had connections to any organization, and about his book "Bakur Notes". He was also asked about the locations of the camps visited by the documentary team in Turkey and Iraq, how he knew these locations, who took him there, and whether he had reported these locations to the security forces.

Additionally, Kesik faced inquiries about "Bakur Notes", a book written by journalist Ertuğrul Mavioğlu and published by Aryen Publications. Questions included who ordered the writing and publishing of the book, Kesik’s ongoing contacts with contributors, and where the cover photo of the book was taken.

Background of the operation

After his May 2 arrest, Kesik’s case was subjected to a confidentiality order. Following a 24-hour ban on meetings, Kesik spoke with Fatih Aydın from the MLSA Legal Unit. MLSA lawyers contested the arrest and search warrants, and the seizure of materials found at Kesik’s home shortly after his detention.

About Koray Kesik

Born in 1971 in Giresun, Turkey, Koray Kesik began his career in 1993 as an assistant at VTR Research Production Management. Until 2008, he worked on numerous documentaries, oral history projects, promotional films, and commercials as an assistant, cameraman, and cinematographer. Since 2008, he has been independently working as a cinematographer with various directors on documentary films.


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