
Former HDP MP Hüda Kaya released after over seven months in detention

Former HDP MP Hüda Kaya released after over seven months in detention




ANKARA, June 25, 2024 - Hüda Kaya, a former MP from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), was released after spending more than seven months in detention following the first hearing of the second trial related to the "Kobani events." Kaya, who was charged along with four other former HDP MPs, denounced the charges in her defense statement, drawing parallels to past political trials.

Trial context

The trial of Hüda Kaya, Serpil Kemalbay, Fatma Kurtulan, Garo Paylan, and Pero Dündar began at the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court, located in the Sincan Prison Complex. The MPs were indicted following the end of their parliamentary terms. Kaya, who had been detained since November 1, 2023, participated in the hearing via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS) from Marmara Prison. The hearing was attended by various MPs, civil society representatives, and the Co-Chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Tülay Hatimoğulları.

The session began with identity verification and a summary reading of the 400-page indictment. The indictment detailed 29 separate charges against the defendants, each facing demands for 38 life sentences and 19,680 years in prison.

Defense statement

In her defense, Kaya criticized the indictment as a "bad copy" of previous ones, stating that her speeches advocating for peace and equality were now being used against her as a form of political revenge. She argued that the charges were based on internet-sourced reports of her speeches and activities as an MP.

Kaya emphasized her lifelong commitment to justice, peace, and human rights, and condemned the use of religious and national symbols to justify violence and conflict. She stated, "Those in power throughout history have always sought war, blood, and conflict, while those who wanted peace and brotherhood were always targeted. Despite being accused of severe crimes from disrupting the constitutional order to murder, we are not victims because we have not stolen, lied, or supported any form of violence."

She also highlighted her efforts within the HDP to investigate the Kobani events, stating that their parliamentary motions were consistently rejected by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Kaya questioned why they were being prosecuted for trying to address the truth behind these events.

Kaya's attorney's arguments

Kaya's attorney, Zilan Leventoğlu, argued that the indictment included unfounded allegations, such as Kaya’s supposed intent to flee the country. Leventoğlu noted that previous decisions in the Kobani trial had acquitted politicians of similar charges, underscoring the lack of legal and reasonable grounds for Kaya's continued detention. She pointed out that there was no evidence linking Kaya to the purported criminal acts.

Court's decision

After the defense statements, the prosecution requested the continuation of Kaya's detention. However, the court decided to release Kaya with conditions, including a monthly signature obligation and a travel ban.

Background on the case

Kaya was detained on January 10, International Working Journalists Day, and imprisoned three days later on charges of "terrorist organization membership." She was released at the second hearing on June 22. The indictment was based on an investigation by the Adana Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, which seized a computer during a house search on September 16, 2020. The evidence included a photo dated September 26, 2014, allegedly showing Kaya participating in armed activities in Suruç, Şanlıurfa.

Despite Kaya’s defense proving the allegations baseless, her prosecution reflects ongoing political tensions and the broader crackdown on HDP members and activists in Turkey.


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