
Freedom of expression organizations and press unions: 'We reject targeting of journalists and will closely monitor the process!'

Freedom of expression organizations and press unions: 'We reject targeting of journalists and will closely monitor the process!'




In response to threats made against journalists by Devlet Bahçeli, leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), following his remarks on October 1 targeting Halk TV and four journalists for their coverage of the Sinan Ateş murder case, thirteen national and international freedom of expression organizations and press unions, including the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), issued a joint statement condemning the threats.

During Bahçeli’s speech at his party’s group meeting, he warned, “Halk TV and CHP, watch your step. You can’t question the Nationalist Movement Party with four clown reporters!” These comments were condemned by press organizations as a direct attack on journalists' ability to report freely and a violation of the public’s right to information in a democratic society.

The joint statement, signed by MLSA, the Turkish Journalists’ Union (TGS), Press Council, Haber-Sen, Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD), Journalists’ Association, Izmir Journalists’ Association, DİSK Basın-İş Union, Economy Journalists Association, and the International Press Institute (IPI), declared: “Threatening journalists for their professional activities is unacceptable. We will stand against these threats and monitor the process closely.”

Potential consequences of silence

The organizations expressed deep concern over the implications of Bahçeli’s words, recalling past incidents where journalists in Turkey who were threatened by politicians became victims of physical attacks and even murder. The statement warned that those responsible for the threats, as well as the government and judiciary if they remain silent, would be held accountable in the event of any attacks on journalists covering the Sinan Ateş case.

The signatories reaffirmed that press freedom and the safety of journalists are core values of a democratic society and emphasized their commitment to opposing any threats made against Halk TV and the four journalists—Şule Aydın, Barış Pehlivan, Murat Ağırel, and Timur Soykan. They also vowed to continue monitoring the legal proceedings surrounding the case.

Full statement text

"We reject the targeting of journalists and will closely monitor the process!

On October 1, during a party group meeting, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli targeted Halk TV and four journalists for their reporting on the Sinan Ateş murder, and threatened them with the words, 'Watch your step.'

Bahçeli’s remarks, 'You can’t question the Nationalist Movement Party with four clown reporters!' constitute a direct threat to the press. In democratic societies, such statements cause great concern as they undermine press freedom and the public’s right to information.

Given Turkey’s history of physical attacks and murders of journalists who have been threatened by politicians, Bahçeli’s comments are highly dangerous and reckless. It is unacceptable for journalists to be threatened simply for investigating a murder case. This is a violation of both the rule of law and the principles of free expression.

These remarks follow a court session in the Sinan Ateş murder case, during which one of the defendants used similar threatening language toward journalists, and another made a gun-firing gesture towards them. These threats must be taken seriously and urgently addressed.

We, the undersigned civil society and democratic organizations, declare that in the event of any attack on journalists investigating the Sinan Ateş murder, we will hold not only those issuing threats accountable but also those in power and the judiciary who remain silent in the face of such threats.

In a democratic society, press freedom, the public’s right to information, and the safety of journalists are fundamental values. We will oppose any threats against Halk TV and the journalists Şule Aydın, Barış Pehlivan, Murat Ağırel, and Timur Soykan, and we will closely monitor the legal process.

Signed by:

  • Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA)
  • Haber-Sen (News Workers Union)
  • Progressive Journalists Association (ÇGD)
  • Press Council
  • Journalists' Association
  • Izmir Journalists' Association
  • Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS)
  • DISK Press Workers Union
  • Economy Reporters Association
  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • Diplomacy Reporters Association (DMD)
  • Dicle Fırat Journalists Association



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.