
Gökçer Tahincioğlu faces investigation over 'transported voters' posts

Gökçer Tahincioğlu faces investigation over 'transported voters' posts


Journalist Gökçer Tahincioğlu faces investigation over social media posts on voters

Gökçer Tahincioğlu, the Ankara representative for the independent news outlet T24, is under investigation for allegedly "insulting the state and its institutions" due to his social media posts about voters who cast ballots outside of their registered districts during the March 31 local elections in Turkey.

Tahincioğlu provided a statement at the Yıldızevler Police Station in Ankara on the evening of August 29. The journalist explained that the investigation was initiated following a criminal complaint filed by the Gendarmerie.

On August 30, Tahincioğlu addressed the issue on his Twitter account, stating, "According to the Gendarmerie, bringing up allegations of 'transported voters' is a serious crime. The charge is 'insulting the state, the Turkish nation, and the judiciary.' The Gendarmerie has taken up the task of monitoring journalists and filing complaints. Add another investigation to the list..."

The investigation is linked to a broader atmosphere of heightened scrutiny of journalists in Turkey, where media freedom has been under pressure, particularly in the context of elections and political criticism. The March 31, 2019 local elections were highly contested, especially in major cities like Istanbul and Ankara, with accusations of voter irregularities being a sensitive issue.

No further details regarding the progress of the investigation have been released.


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