
Ibrahim Kaboğlu elected as Istanbul Bar Association president, marking historic change

Ibrahim Kaboğlu elected as Istanbul Bar Association president, marking historic change



Constitutional law professor and dismissed academic from the “Academics for Peace” initiative, Ibrahim Özden Kaboğlu, has been elected as the new president of the Istanbul Bar Association, securing 7,219 votes. Kaboğlu’s victory in an election that featured 12 candidates marks a significant moment in the bar's history, with his candidacy and win breaking new ground.

A call for change from over 1,000 lawyers

The tone for a different kind of election was set on August 7, when over 1,000 lawyers signed a petition under the title “Lawyers Calling for Change”. In the petition, the lawyers urged Kaboğlu, who had served as the head of the Istanbul Bar Association’s Human Rights Center from 1997 to 2001, to run for the presidency.

The petition highlighted pressing issues, stating:

"We are living in times where the Constitution has been suspended, fundamental rights and freedoms are under threat, and the public is being impoverished. The legal profession is nearly impossible to practice as the defense is excluded from judicial processes."

The statement underscored the worsening conditions for lawyers, criticizing the current management as "insensitive, ineffective, and detached from lawyers and the legal profession."

Supporters of the call included members and former candidates from groups like the Free Democratic Lawyers, Contemporary Lawyers Group, and Participatory Lawyers Group, as well as CHP and TIP politicians such as Mahmut Tanal, Sera Kadıgil, and Can Atalay, who is currently imprisoned despite a Constitutional Court ruling in his favor.

Kaboğlu: “We cannot be spectators to destruction”

In response to the call, Kaboğlu declared his candidacy, stating, “We cannot sit idly by as the future of society is darkened through the deconstitutionalization of Turkey. As lawyers of the Istanbul Bar, we will not be spectators to destruction."

A unique candidate

Kaboğlu stands out as a candidate due to his long career in academia and his experience as the chair of the Prime Ministry’s Human Rights Advisory Board in 2003. During this time, he faced backlash after presenting a report on minority and cultural rights, resulting in physical attacks and a legal case that ended in his acquittal.

In 2017, Kaboğlu was dismissed from his position at Marmara University as part of a decree issued during the state of emergency following the 2016 coup attempt. He was one of the signatories of the “Academics for Peace” petition and was later acquitted by the Constitutional Court. He was elected as a member of parliament for the Republican People's Party (CHP) in 2018.

A historic candidacy

Kaboğlu’s nomination was groundbreaking in that it marked the first time a candidate for Istanbul Bar Association president had been put forward by such a broad political coalition, reflecting the inclusivity of his platform. His team also consisted of individuals from diverse legal backgrounds.

Overcoming criticism

Throughout the campaign, Kaboğlu faced criticism, notably for his age and lack of extensive legal practice compared to other candidates. Despite these critiques, his platform resonated with many, leading to a victory that ended the 22-year reign of the “Before Principle” Group at the helm of the Istanbul Bar Association.

The elections, held at Haliç Congress Center, concluded on October 19 with Kaboğlu and the Lawyers for Change group emerging victorious, signaling a shift towards a new era in the bar association’s leadership.


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