
Instagram ban lifted: Here are the terms META agreed to

Instagram ban lifted: Here are the terms META agreed to


The access ban on Instagram, imposed on August 2, was lifted on the evening of August 10 following an agreement between META and the Turkish government.

The agreement between META and the government includes provisions for the removal of content related to serious crimes, ensuring that user accounts are not deactivated without prior warning, and the closure of accounts belonging to organizations that Turkey considers terrorist groups.

On the evening of August 10, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure announced that META had agreed to comply with Turkey's conditions. Following this announcement, Instagram was once again accessible in Turkey, with the Minister emphasizing that the rights of Turkish citizens would be protected.

According to the Minister's statement on Twitter, under the agreement between META and the government, content that is considered criminal, particularly those falling under the category of catalog crimes, will be immediately removed.

Catalog crimes include incitement to suicide, sexual abuse of children, facilitating the use of drugs or stimulants, supplying dangerous substances for health, obscenity, prostitution, providing a venue and opportunity for gambling, crimes specified in Law No. 5816 concerning crimes against Atatürk, and illegal betting offenses.

Accounts belonging to or promoting groups that Turkey designates as terrorist organizations will be removed from the platform. Instagram also agreed to block content from organizations that Turkey recognizes as terrorist groups, even if they are not designated as such by the United States.

In terms of content moderation, user accounts will not be deactivated without warning, and the rights of users in Turkey will be respected. Accounts that are removed without warning will be immediately reinstated.

The agreement also stipulates that in the event of any legal issues, communication with the relevant authorities will be maintained.


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