Trial Monitoring

Interior Ministry justifies trustee appointment, 14-year case concluded in 13 days

5 June - A long-running case involving Mehmet Sıddık Akış, the mayor of Hakkâri from the Democratic People's Party (DEM Party), and 14 others concluded with heavy sentences after 14 years. Akış received a 19-year, 6-month prison sentence and was detained. The case, used by the Interior Ministry to justify Akış's replacement by a trustee, was resolved rapidly, with only 13 days given for defense preparations.

The final hearing of the case, known as the "KCK case," took place today at Hakkari 1st High Criminal Court. Akış, who had been dismissed and detained, was brought to the hearing under police escort. Other defendants, including journalist Hamdiye Çiftçi Öksüz, did not attend, though numerous lawyers were present.

Akış recalled that the prosecutor who prepared the indictment is now on the Interior Ministry's wanted list. Defending himself, Akış stated, “I am standing here with my head held high. I have always advocated for peace, brotherhood, justice, equality, and freedom. I am not afraid of being imprisoned.” He did not seek acquittal but requested a new indictment, asserting that the trial was politically motivated.

Prosecution's argument and use of confidential witnesses

The prosecution reiterated its position from the May 23 hearing, seeking sentences for eight individuals as "organization leaders" and for journalist Öksüz and three others as "members." The claims were supported by statements from confidential witnesses known by code names such as ‘Annemin Gözyaşları’ and ‘Oyunbozan,’ as well as digital materials and banners seized from searches of Democratic Society Party (DTP) and Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) offices.

Lawyers’ requests denied

The defense requested that the confidential witnesses, including 'Oyunbozan,' be re-examined in court, highlighting previous police manipulation. The court rejected these requests, citing an intent to delay the proceedings.

Sentences announced

The court sentenced Akış to 19 years and 6 months for "being a leader of a terrorist organization." Journalists Öksüz and two others received 6 years and 3 months, while six others were sentenced to 8 years and 9 months for "membership in a terrorist organization." Travel bans were imposed on Öksüz and others until the verdicts are final. Abdulbaki Özbuğanlı and Bahattin Kaya were acquitted, and the cases of Emine Akboğa, Fatma Duman, and Emrullah Öztürk were separated.

Background and context

The case, linked to the “KCK operations,” dates back to before 2010, when Akış and others were detained on June 10, 2010. The indictment was prepared over a year later. The first hearing took place on July 14, 2012, at the Van 3rd High Criminal Court. Following a legal reform in 2014, the case was transferred to Hakkari 1st High Criminal Court. The prosecutor who prepared the indictment is on the wanted list post-2016 coup attempt.

The case gained momentum after Akış was elected mayor on March 31, 2024. The prosecution submitted its final opinion on May 23, giving defendants only 13 days to prepare their defenses before the June 5 verdict. Akış was detained three days before the hearing, and the Interior Ministry cited ongoing investigations to appoint a trustee in his place.

Journalist Öksüz had previously reported on the breaking of 14-year-old Cüneyt Ertuş's arm by police during the 2008 Newroz celebrations in Hakkâri.

Other defendants included former BDP employees, local party officials, and activists, such as İzzet Belge, Baki Özboğanlı, Faruk Yıldız, Seyithan Şahin, Tahir Koç, Hıvzullah Kansu, Mikail Atan, Hüsna Sağın, Bahattin Kaya, Emrullah Öztürk, Kadriye İlbaş, Emine Akboğa, and Fatma Duman.


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