
Istanbul Bar Association initiates disciplinary probe into lawyer Uçar over legal practice-related activities

Istanbul Bar Association initiates disciplinary probe into lawyer Uçar over legal practice-related activities

Pınar Gayıp

The Istanbul Bar Association, led by President Filiz Saraç, has initiated a disciplinary investigation against attorney Sezin Uçar, following allegations related to her professional activities. This move comes after Uçar was banned from her defense duties for a year due to her involvement in cases allegedly related to her work.

Uçar views this investigation as part of a broader assault aimed at increasing the oppressive atmosphere on citizens through lawyers. She has called on lawyers and the public to raise their voices against these attacks.

Increasing Attacks on Lawyers

Attacks on lawyers are escalating, with members of the Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD) and the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) experiencing frequent and systematic targeting. In February alone, ÖHD's Ruşen Seydaoğlu was arrested for using professional activities as evidence of a crime. ÇHD central executive member Betül Vangölü Kozağaçlı, along with ÇHD members Seda Şaraldı, Didem Baydar Ünsal, and Berrak Çağlar, were arrested on February 9 following a raid on the People's Law Office, again citing professional activities.

One-Year Ban on Legal Practice

As part of the ongoing attacks on the legal profession, Sezin Uçar, a lawyer from the Oppressed's Law Office (EHB) and a member of the ÖHD Women's Commission, faces restrictions in her role. Uçar has ongoing cases at the Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court for participating in a protest outside the courthouse related to the October 10 massacre, and at the Istanbul 27th ACM for "membership in an organization" allegations stemming from her professional activities. On September 18, 2022, the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office banned Uçar from defense duties for a year based on these cases. The Istanbul Bar Association, then a candidate for election Filiz Saraç, opposed this ban, emphasizing that lawyers cannot be identified with their clients.

Following a complaint by the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on December 25, 2023, alleging Uçar's membership in an organization, the Istanbul Bar Association, led by President Filiz Saraç, convened a meeting to decide on initiating a disciplinary investigation against Uçar. This decision appears to disregard the United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, specifically Article 18 of the Havana Rules, which states that "Lawyers shall not be identified with their clients or their clients' causes as a result of discharging their functions."

Lawyers Repeatedly Targeted

Speaking to MLSA, Uçar highlighted the numerous attacks lawyers have faced, including arrests, prosecutions, threats, and removal from courtrooms. These actions are part of an effort to increase the oppressive environment through lawyers, affecting citizens indirectly. Uçar also mentioned that lawyers from the Oppressed's Law Office have repeatedly faced similar attacks.

Response to Bar Association's Decision Prior to Election

Uçar emphasized that lawyers have faced charges and imprisonment due to the cases they follow, human rights violations of their imprisoned clients, and participation in funerals and autopsies of clients who died in Rojava. She mentioned an upcoming verdict on April 4 in a case where she is accused of "organization membership and propaganda."

Disciplinary Investigation Despite Acquittal

Uçar criticized the disciplinary investigation opened against her, noting that all lawyers tried with her in the mentioned case at the 13th High Criminal Court were acquitted. She accused the Istanbul Bar Association and the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) of being silent partners in the political authority's approach to defense. Uçar calls for everyone fighting for rights and freedoms to attend her trial to end these pressures on the legal profession.


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