
Journalism and free speech trials: Week of 1-5 October

Journalism and free speech trials: Week of 1-5 October

This week, several journalists and media workers, including İdris Sayılğan represented by Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), will appear before judges. Here is a list of this week’s journalism and free speech trials:

October 1, Monday

  • 6th hearing of video activist and documentarist Kazım Kızıl and 23 others, who were detained during the 16 April referendum protests will be held at İzmir 33. Court of First Instance at 10:00 AM. Defendants had spent 3 months in detention on ‘insulting the President’ charges, before being released after the first hearing.

October 2, Tuesday

  • Second hearing of journalists Ahmet Altan, Nazlı Ilıcak, Fevzi Yazıcı, Yakup Şimşek (in pre trial detention), Şükrü Tuğrul Özşengül and Mehmet Altan (released pending trial) will be held at İstanbul Regional Court 2. Criminal Chamber. Journalists were sentenced to life in prison on ‘attempting to overthrow the constitutional order’ charges, now their case is brought before the appeal court.

  • Hearing of Can Dündar’s ‘espionage’ case will be held at İstanbul 14. High Criminal Court at 11:00 AM. Dündar is being charged based on the news stories in Cumhuriyet newspaper, that covered trucks allegedly owned by the National Intelligency Organization (MİT) carrying weaponry to Syrian opposition groups.

  • Hearing of poet Fadıl Öztürk will be held at İzmir 2. High Criminal Court at 10:00 AM. Öztürk is charged with ‘terrorist propaganda’ based on his social media posts, and his writings at Artı Gerçek.

October 3, Wednesday

  • Hearing of Boğaziçi University students will be held at İstanbul 32. High Criminal Court at 10:30 AM. Students are being charged with ‘terrorist propaganda’ based on an anti-war campaign they conducted on campus,  against Turkey’s military operation in Northern Syria.

  • First hearing of the now shuttered Dicle News Agency (DİHA) journalists Ömer Çelik, Çağdaş Kaplan, Hamza Gündüz, Selman Çiçek, Vahap Taş, İnan Kızılkaya and Kemal Sancılı will be held at Diyarbakır 9. High Criminal Court. They are being accused of ‘terrorist propaganda’ and ‘targeting those who participated in anti-terror operations’ based on a news article titled "Name of the siege: Flag 12, Person in charge: Musa Çitil”, which is presented as criminal evidence in the indictment for targeting an individual.

October 5, Friday

  • Hearing of the now shuttered DİHA reporter İdris Sayılğan who is represented by MLSA, will be held at Muş 2. High Criminal Court at 09:00 AM. Sayılğan is charged with ‘membership in a terrorist organization’ based on his news stories.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.