
Journalism and free speech trials: Week of Sep 17-21

Journalism and free speech trials: Week of Sep 17-21

This week, several journalists and media workers will appear before judges. Here is a list of this week’s journalism and free speech trials:

September 18, Tuesday

  • Hearing of İshak Karakaş, Halkın Nabzı newspaper editor-in-chief and Artı Gerçek writer will be held at İstanbul 28. High Criminal Court. Karakaş is being accused of ‘terrorist propaganda’ based on his critical social media posts regarding the Turkish army’s military operation in North Syria, Afrin. He had spent 3 months in detention, where his press card was cancelled.

  • Hearing of Gün Printing House owner Kasım Zengin and his employees will be held at Silivri at 09:30 AM. Gün was the printer of the now shuttered pro-Kurdish Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper, and was raided by police on March 28, 2018. Defendants are facing ‘membership in  a terrorist organisation’ and ‘terrorist propaganda’ charges.

  • Hearing of former Cumhuriyet investigative journalist Ahmet Şık will be held at İstanbul 17. Court of First Instance at 02:00 PM. Şık is accused of ‘publicly insulting the Turkish nation, Turkish Republic and defaming state institutions’ based on his social media posts.

  • Özgür Toplum magazine reporter Fahrettin Kılıç who is allegedly accused of ‘membership in a terrorist organisation’ based on a photo of him wearing a local Kurdish outfit, will appear in court this week. Kılıç had requested to submit his defence in Kurdish at his first hearing however court did not appoint a translator for him. At the second hearing he was finally able to defend himself in his mother tongue. Kılıç has been kept in detention since March 31, 2017, his hearing will be held at Adana 13. High Criminal Court.


September 19, Wednesday

  • Hearing of the now shuttered Karşı newspaper owner and employees will be held at İstanbul 35. High Criminal Court.

  • Hearing of Hayatın Sesi TV executives Mustafa Kara, İsmail Gökhan Bayram, and Gökhan Çetin who are accused of ‘terrorist propaganda for ISIS, TAK and PKK’ at the same time will be held at İstanbul 13. High Criminal Court.


September 21, Friday

  • Hearing of journalist İdris Yılmaz, represented by Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) Coordinator Lawyer Veysel Ok, and Erhan Akbaş, a local journalist in Van, will be held at Erciş 2. Court of First Instance. Journalists are accused of ‘insult and defamation via the press’ based on their reporting regarding sexual assault scandals in three different public schools in Kekliova, Van.
  • Hearing of journalists Ahmet Altan, Nazlı Ilıcak, Fevzi Yazıcı, Yakup Şimşek (in pre trial detention), Şükrü Tuğrul Özşengül and Mehmet Altan (released pending trial) will be held at İstanbul Regional Court 2. Criminal Chamber. Journalists are accused of ‘attempting to overthrow the constitutional order’.

Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.