Trial Monitoring

Journalist Akif Beki acquitted of 'insult' charges

In the lawsuit filed against Karar newspaper columnist Akif Beki due to “insult” upon the complaint of Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü, known in the public as 'Robed Ahmet Hoca', the verdict of acquittal was given on the grounds that “the elements of the imputed crime did not occur”.

The second hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist Akif Beki due to “insult” upon the complaint of Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü, known as 'Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca', based on the news article titled 'Cübbeli's dispute with the Diyanet' published on the website of Karar newspaper on July 22, 2022, was held at Istanbul Anadolu 26th Criminal Court of First Instance.

Journalist Beki, who was present at the hearing with his lawyers Serpil Özcan and Abdullah Önal, said, “I do not believe that I have committed a crime that requires me to make a defense. I do not even understand why I am being tried here today. The Turkish Language Association and the dictionaries of the Religious Affairs clearly define the meaning of superstition. There is no insulting concept in my article. I am not interested in people, but in facts, and the article is about facts, not people. I demand my acquittal.”

Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü's lawyer stated that their complaint continues and demanded that journalist Akif Beki be punished.

Beki's lawyer Serpil Özcan said, “When the sentences in the indictment that are meant to constitute the crime of insult are evaluated, there is no statement that it was said towards the participant. Stating that her client did not intend to insult, Özcan demanded a verdict of acquittal.

Presenting his opinion on the merits, the prosecutor stated that Ünlü's name or a defining characteristic was not mentioned in the article in the case, and that no phrase was used to the extent of damaging his honor and dignity, and requested the acquittal of journalist Akif Beki on the charge of “insult” on the grounds that the legal elements did not occur.

The court acquitted journalist Akif Beki of the charge of “insult” on the grounds that the legal elements of the crime had not been established.

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