
Journalist Ayhan: They launch investigations no matter what we say or write

Journalist Ayhan: They launch investigations no matter what we say or write

Aziz Oruç

BirGün editor Kayhan Ayhan, who was summoned for questioning over allegations of spreading "publicly misleading information" related to the "irregularities" in the May 14 elections, criticized the increasing use of the recent disinformation law against journalists. "They are using the newly enacted disinformation law. Whatever we say or write, we face an investigation," Ayhan said.

Kayhan Ayhan was summoned by the Press Crimes Investigation Bureau of the Istanbul Anadolu Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office for sharing claims of irregularities in the election records from the May 14 elections. After giving his statement, Ayhan reiterated that his posts and reports were part of his journalistic duties aimed at serving the public interest.

They fear the truth

Speaking to the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Ayhan expressed his concerns about the situation, saying:

"As journalists, we generally face this problem. As they say, they fear the truth. Those who fear the emergence of these truths try to silence journalists with investigations, detentions, and arrests. They are using the newly enacted disinformation law. Whatever we say or write, we face an investigation. If there is an allegation, an incident, or an irregularity, it is our primary duty to report it. Addressing such doubts is crucial for a democratic public sphere, and this responsibility falls on us. I made these posts within the scope of my journalistic activities. A journalist's duty is to highlight mistakes to ensure they are corrected.

To prevent such doubts in a democratic society, it is necessary. Reporting such claims within the framework of the press's watchdog role is both a right and a duty of a journalist. The publication of my posts serves the public interest. I do not think I have committed any crime. Despite it being nothing more than a journalistic activity, these actions are an attempt to intimidate and scare us.

Strong society, strong press

Instead of opening investigations against us, they should strive to correct the individuals or incidents that are the subject of the news. However, journalists can overcome all these challenges by standing together and showing solidarity. For a strong society, we must grow this struggle for the public and the people with the example that a strong press is needed."

Ayhan was previously subjected to an investigation over an article titled "2.5 hours of violence against villagers," published in BirGün on December 2, 2023.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.