
Journalist Çağdaş Erdoğan’s hearing adjourned until March

Journalist Çağdaş Erdoğan’s hearing adjourned until March

Cansu Pişkin, İstanbul – Prominent photojournalist Çağdaş Erdoğan faced charges of ‘membership in a terrorist organization’ and distribution of terrorist propaganda at İstanbul 33rd High Criminal Court today.

Although Erdoğan did not attend the hearing, he was represented by his lawyer Engin Cinmen. Cinmen was accompanied by Michael Ivers from the UK Bar Human Rights Committee, who was there to monitor the court proceedings.

After new documents were read into the case file, the prosecutor requested that the courts delay proceedings until review reports of relevant digital materials could be completed. Cinmen made no requests, so the hearing was adjourned until March 26 2019.

Updated: November 27 2018


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