
Journalist Diren Keser released: 'Prisons have become a second home for journalists'

 Journalist Diren Keser released: 'Prisons have become a second home for journalists'

Journalist Diren Keser released after five months in prison, vows to continue peace journalism

Diren Keser, a journalist with PİRHA, was released from Mersin Tarsus Prison on August 1 after being incarcerated for five months. Keser was arrested on February 27, 2024, following the finalization of a prison sentence related to his social media posts, which were deemed to be "terrorist propaganda." After his release, Keser reaffirmed his commitment to continue practicing peace journalism, stating, "Truth will eventually emerge in this region, in Mesopotamia, in the Middle East, and across the world."

Keser’s imprisonment stems from a 2015 investigation into his Facebook posts, which led to charges of "terrorist propaganda" by the Mersin 9th High Criminal Court in 2017. He was sentenced to two years, four months, and three days in prison. Keser had previously spent approximately four months in prison in 2019 but was released until the Court of Cassation upheld the sentence on February 2, 2024, leading to his re-arrest.


Reflecting on his experience, Keser spoke to the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), emphasizing the systemic efforts to silence journalists globally. "The issue of journalists being imprisoned is not new," he said, criticizing governments that fear the truth and seek to suppress it by targeting the media. Keser described the ongoing challenges facing journalists, including censorship and the risk of imprisonment, but insisted that their duty to report the truth remains unchanged.

During his time in prison, Keser encountered numerous sick inmates whose conditions were neglected despite medical reports indicating they were unfit for incarceration. He highlighted the dire situation, stating that many of these prisoners are either released in their final days or die in custody. Keser stressed the importance of journalists amplifying these human rights issues and holding authorities accountable.

Keser, who previously worked on the now-shuttered TV 10, producing programs like "Hak Yolu" and "Akdeniz’in Güncesi," expressed hope for a future where such punishments against journalists are no longer necessary but acknowledged that the current reality suggests otherwise. He concluded by reiterating his belief in the eventual triumph of truth and his dedication to continuing the fight for it through his journalism.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.