Trial Monitoring

*Journalist İsmail Arı's book on Menzil community faces calls for destruction

*Journalist İsmail Arı's book on Menzil community faces calls for destruction

Cengiz Anıl Bölükbaşı

A probe has been launched against journalist İsmail Arı over his book, *Menzil’in Kasası* (The Treasury of Menzil), which discusses the commercial activities and public sector organization of the Menzil Community. TÜMSİAD member Kamil İnce has filed a criminal complaint, demanding the book's confiscation and destruction, alleging defamation and damage to his personal and commercial reputation.

İsmail Arı, a reporter for BirGün, is under investigation following the publication of his book *Menzil’in Kasası*. The investigation stems from a complaint by Kamil İnce, a member of TÜMSİAD, the business association linked to the Menzil Community, who claimed that the book contains defamatory content and harms his personal and business reputation.

In his complaint, İnce stated that the book attempts to portray his company and himself as part of an illegal organization, causing irreparable harm. He demanded the book be confiscated and destroyed, and that Arı be punished. Following the complaint, the Bakırköy Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation, with Arı's statement to be taken as part of the process.

Arı commented to MLSA that TÜMSİAD's significance lies in its ties to the Menzil Community, similar to the Fethullah Gülen movement. He noted that members' names, their companies, and their business areas are publicly available on the association’s website. Arı also highlighted that many companies, including public institutions, advertise in the association's magazine, and that high-profile figures, including President Erdoğan and ministers, attend its events.

Arı mentioned that only a small paragraph in his book refers to Kamil İnce, describing his company Kabmak Makine, its capital, and its business activities. Arı said, “In my book, I described Kamil İnce as the owner of Kabmak Makine, a company with a capital of 15 million TL that produces machinery used in various manufacturing sectors.”

Arı criticized the extent of the investigation, saying it reflects the broader state of the country's judicial system, where the judiciary is often used as a tool of intimidation. “For years, it’s been discussed how the judiciary is wielded like a stick over people's heads, used to intimidate and suppress,” he stated.

Addressing the calls for his book’s destruction, Arı said, “These actions are aimed at erasing memory. They think they can clear themselves by deleting news, confiscating, and burning books, believing their actions will be forgotten. But it shouldn't be that simple. Reporting news, obtaining evidence, and talking to witnesses require energy and effort. Now, we also have to fight to protect our news.”

Arı revealed that many bookstores, like D&R, refuse to sell his book, citing it as out of stock. He also mentioned facing numerous threats from community members after the book's publication. Despite the threats and the investigation initiated by İnce’s complaint, Arı lamented that his complaints receive no action from the judiciary. “Every week, the judiciary summons me to give a statement multiple times, but when it comes to my complaints, they turn a blind eye,” he said.


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