Trial Monitoring

Journalist Karabay acquitted in criminal case, fined in civil lawsuit

Rabia Çetin

In the second hearing of the civil lawsuit filed by Istanbul Judicial Commission President Bekir Altun against journalist Furkan Karabay for "assault on personal rights," the Istanbul Anadolu 27th Civil Court ruled partially in favor of Altun. While Karabay was acquitted in a related criminal case, he was ordered to pay 12,500 TL in damages.

During the hearing, Karabay's lawyer, Özge Naz Akkaya, argued that Karabay had been acquitted in the criminal case initiated based on Altun's complaint, requesting the dismissal of the civil lawsuit. Despite this, the court accepted Altun's claim for moral damages, although only partially, and ordered Karabay to pay 12,500 TL out of the 50,000 TL initially sought. The decision allows for an appeal.

Previously, former Istanbul Anadolu Chief Public Prosecutor İsmail Uçar had filed a complaint with the Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) concerning allegations against Bekir Altun. Karabay had shared these allegations on social media, leading to an indictment for "publicly insulting a public official in succession due to their duty." Karabay was acquitted in the first hearing of this criminal case.


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