
Journalist Murat Ağırel receives death threat: "They have become this brazen with the power they've gained"

Journalist Murat Ağırel receives death threat: "They have become this brazen with the power they've gained"


Journalist Murat Ağırel receives death threat over video alleging contract on his life

Cumhuriyet columnist Murat Ağırel has been threatened with death through a video sent to him, in which a masked individual claims that a contract has been issued for his assassination. The video alleges that an order for his killing has been placed, further intensifying the pressure on journalists in Turkey.

Ağırel, who has faced multiple threats in the past, stated, "They have become so brazen with the power they’ve gained. But in this country, there will always be journalists who chase the truth and fight for it."

“I’ve filed numerous complaints before”

Speaking to the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Ağırel detailed how this latest threat is part of a broader campaign of intimidation he’s faced. "They’ve damaged my car and come to my home. I shared videos of these incidents on social media and filed criminal complaints with the prosecutor's office. They’re also trying to pull my Havala book from circulation again. I believe this is part of a complex plot," Ağırel explained.

“A mafia group says a politician ordered it”

Ağırel shared that the death threat allegedly stems from mafia groups. "One group is called ‘Mahsunlar’ and the other ‘Seven’. From what I understand, a conflict has arisen between them, and they’re leaking each other’s incriminating videos. In one of these videos, a member of the ‘Seven’ group claims that someone from ‘Mahsunlar’ is planning to kill me. Initially, they backed out because it would cause a major media stir, but then they supposedly accepted, saying it was requested by a member of parliament. Whether this is true or not, authorities must investigate."

“They can beat, kill, or imprison journalists”

Ağırel, known for his reporting on drug lords, fraud rings, and corruption, emphasized that criminal groups have become emboldened. "These groups can now threaten, beat, kill, and imprison journalists. That’s how powerful they’ve become. Unfortunately, this won’t be the first or the last case. But journalists who pursue the truth and fight for it will not disappear in this country. I’m defending the public’s right to information and their interests. We will continue to do our jobs as best we can," he said.

This incident adds to the growing concerns about the safety of journalists in Turkey, where threats and attacks against members of the press have become increasingly common.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.