Hearing news

Journalist Pınar Gayıp's case separated in retrial

Journalist Pınar Gayıp's case separated in retrial


Eylem Sonbahar


A Turkish court sentenced two defendants to 3 years, 1 month, and 15 days in prison for "spreading terrorist propaganda" while deciding to separate journalist Pınar Gayıp’s case from the proceedings.

The sixth hearing in the retrial of Pınar Gayıp and two others, who were accused of "membership in a terrorist organization" and "spreading terrorist propaganda," was held at the Istanbul 23rd High Criminal Court.

Gayıp, who was present at the hearing, stated that she had been imprisoned due to her journalistic activities and had been unable to meet with her lawyer due to the lawyer’s health issues. She requested additional time to prepare her defense.

Reiterating the final opinion presented in previous hearings, the prosecutor sought prison sentences for two defendants on charges of propaganda and requested that Gayıp’s case be separated due to her ongoing legal proceedings in other cases.

After a brief recess, the court ruled to separate Gayıp’s case and assign it a new file number. The court sentenced the other two defendants to 3 years, 1 month, and 15 days in prison for "spreading terrorist propaganda."



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