
Journalist Ruşen Takva receives threats over Kurdish traffic warning report in Van

Journalist Ruşen Takva receives threats over Kurdish traffic warning report in Van


Journalist Ruşen Takva has been receiving threats following his report on a 16-year-old vandalizing Kurdish traffic warnings in Van, Turkey. The teenager had written "Turkey is Turkish, it will remain Turkish" on the signs.

Takva explained that threats began after the recent crisis in Van and have intensified since the publication of the report. "Systematic attacks have increased, reaching a peak after this news. They are targeting every story I write, trying to ruin my reputation," he stated.

Political climate and impunity

Takva pointed to a broader political context, likening the situation to the "community-imam" metaphor. He noted that despite a political party, allegedly involved in murder investigations, publishing a list targeting 154 people, no actions have been taken against them. This inaction emboldens others aligned with their ideology.

The journalist also highlighted the impunity enjoyed by those threatening journalists, comparing their protection to that of a parliamentarian's immunity. He lamented that this lack of accountability makes the atmosphere increasingly hostile for journalists, forcing them to spend much of their time giving statements at police stations.

Commitment to accurate reporting

Despite the threats, Takva affirmed his commitment to accurate reporting and public information. "These are likely not the last threats we will receive as journalists. Even if they were dragons, it wouldn't deter us. We will continue to write true stories and fulfill our duty to inform the public accurately."


The controversy began when Takva published a report on Kısa Dalga, detailing how a high school student vandalized Kurdish traffic signs in Van. According to the report, the student was directed by a lawyer and police officers from the Anti-Terror Branch (TEM). The teenager reportedly met the police through his teacher's spouse and had even assisted them using his computer skills.

Takva's report also mentioned that the student had received legal advice from a lawyer in Van and discussed his plans with a TEM officer before carrying out the vandalism.


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