
Journalist Sezgin Kartal acquitted of 'terrorist organization membership' charges

Journalist Sezgin Kartal acquitted of 'terrorist organization membership' charges


 ISTANBUL, June 25, 2024 (Eylem Sonbahar)—Journalist Sezgin Kartal has been acquitted of charges of "terrorist organization membership" due to a lack of evidence, and his travel ban has been lifted. Kartal had been detained for 160 days over these allegations.

Kartal, who was arrested on January 10, International Working Journalists Day, and detained three days later, faced his sixth hearing at the Istanbul 22nd High Criminal Court. Although Kartal did not attend the hearing, his lawyers, Oya Meriç Eyüboğlu and Berfin Karaşah, were present. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Turkey representative Özgür Öğret also monitored the proceedings.

Although the prosecutors in the case changed, the final opinion presented in the April 25 hearing, which sought Kartal's conviction, remained unchanged.

Defense arguments

In response to the prosecution's final opinion, attorney Oya Meriç Eyüboğlu argued that the context of the events could not be separated from the prevailing conditions in Suruç and the border area. She highlighted how locals, including Alevis and women visiting refugees, frequently traveled between Suruç and Kobani, making it implausible for Kartal to avoid detection by state authorities.

Eyüboğlu pointed out that the sole evidence against Kartal was the historical traffic search (HTS) records, which indicated a three-hour period on September 26 without phone signals. She argued that this could simply be due to poor reception and was not sufficient to prove membership in a terrorist organization. She emphasized Kartal's consistent phone usage and residence history and requested his acquittal.

Attorney Berfin Karaşah also argued that even if all allegations were true, they would not substantiate a membership claim and called for the protracted trial to end with an acquittal.

Court's decision

After a ten-minute recess, the court acquitted Kartal, citing "insufficient evidence" to prove the charges. The travel ban imposed on Kartal was also lifted.

Case background

Sezgin Kartal, a reporter for Karşı Mahalle, was detained on January 10, International Working Journalists Day, and subsequently arrested on charges of "terrorist organization membership." He was released at the second hearing on June 22.


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