Journalists arrested in Van call on their colleagues: “Let them not forget about us”

Four journalists, who were arrested in Van on October 9 on grounds of the news outlets they work for and the news stories they penned, reminded their colleagues outside that there remain dozens of journalists behind bars, and called on for support and solidarity in order not to be forgotten.
Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), visited Mesopotamia News Agency (MA) reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and freelance journalist Nazan Sala in Van Prison, on October 26, Monday.
The questions addressed to the journalists during the interrogations held at the offices of the prosecution and judgeship were related to the news stories they had penned. Şehriban Abi noted that she felt very disturbed by the fact that some news outlets reported on their detainment as part of a “terror operation.” Calling out to her colleagues outside, Abi said, “Do not forget about us here because as of now, there are six journalists behind bars in Van Prison.”
Journalist Nazan Sala remarked the fact that their workplaces were targeted during the interrogations held at the police station, prosecution’s office and the judgeship, and stated that the case where Can Dündar and Erdem Gül stood trial for the “MİT trucks trial” was very similar to their own case. On the support they received from their colleagues, Sala said, “I believe the press is responsive in terms of what is going on. Any journalist except for those that work for the media owned by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), can face such problems. This amounts to the following understanding: ‘We can throw someone off the helicopter, but you cannot report on it.’ Everyone is at risk after our arrest.”
The imprisoned journalists had reported on the throwing off of Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban from a helicopter in the rural area of Van’s Çatak county, based on official reports and documents.