
Journalists condemn police violence in Diyarbakır: ‘We will not accept police brutality’

Journalists condemn police violence in Diyarbakır: ‘We will not accept police brutality’


Journalists and press organizations in Diyarbakır have expressed outrage at the physical and verbal violence directed at journalists by police during a freedom rally. Media groups emphasized that violence against the press has become systematic, arguing that police are emboldened by a culture of impunity.

During the rally, journalists Heval Önkol, Ceylan Şahinli, Hevidar Önver, and Sonay Ödengit were subjected to police violence while reporting, with attempts made to detain them. Footage captured police officers shouting, "Put down that phone!" and using profanities. The Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters shared their experiences with the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), while press unions and associations strongly condemned the attacks.

Heval Önkol: ‘We face constant obstruction and violence’

Heval Önkol, a reporter for MA, recounted her experience of being physically assaulted by police: “Three officers refused to acknowledge my press card, claiming they didn’t recognize it. They even took a photo of it and threatened me, saying, ‘We’ll deal with you later.’ When I was reporting from a higher position, two male officers and one female officer physically tried to push me away. Despite me telling them I was a journalist, the violence continued until the crowd intervened. As Kurdish journalists, we are constantly subjected to obstruction and violence by the police."

Ceylan Şahinli: ‘I was attacked multiple times’

Ceylan Şahinli, another MA reporter, described the day as being full of police harassment: “We were repeatedly subjected to violence and obstruction by the police, and it was all recorded. While filming the police attacking young people, two male officers targeted my camera. After one left, another came and did the same. I was assaulted 3-4 times, facing both physical and verbal violence. Despite the attacks, we are determined to continue documenting the events we witness and will file a complaint against the police who assaulted us."

Selman Çiçek: ‘Police act with impunity’

Selman Çiçek, co-chair of the Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), noted the growing pattern of violence against journalists: “This routine obstruction has escalated to violence. Journalists were assaulted, thrown to the ground, and nearly detained. This isn’t the first time; journalists have faced similar attacks before, and their work is blocked with shields. The police are acting with impunity because they know they won’t face consequences. We will file criminal complaints and follow up on the case."

Turgut Dedeoğlu: ‘Media is being silenced’

Turgut Dedeoğlu, president of the Press Union of DİSK, argued that these pressures on journalists reveal a deteriorating state of press freedom in Turkey: “The pressure on journalists in Diyarbakır shows how freedom of expression and press freedom are being eroded. The government’s goal is to control public opinion and avoid criticism. Silencing the media removes accountability and restricts the public’s right to information. This pressure won’t silence the journalists from the free press tradition; instead, we remain more determined than ever to continue our work with persistence."

Roza Metina: ‘Journalists face systematic violence’

Roza Metina, president of the Mesopotamian Women Journalists Association (MKG), stated that journalists are systematically targeted because of their role in exposing the truth: “Journalists face constant pressure because of their essential role in reflecting the truth. Despite the systematic violence and repression they face, they continue to work with their cameras in hand. In the most recent incident, journalists in Diyarbakır were beaten, threatened, and insulted. The journalists who expose violence are themselves subjected to it."

‘We will not surrender to oppression’

Metina emphasized the additional challenges faced by female journalists, saying they are targeted for their fight against gendered and patriarchal violence: “Women journalists are especially targeted while covering protests, as the authorities aim to drive them away from the field. They become targets because they write about unjust policies, violations, and repression. Recently, JINNEWS reporter Rabia Onver faced police harassment in Hakkari because she exposed state policies. As journalists from the free press tradition, we will never submit to these pressures. Our pens and cameras are our greatest weapons, and no government will ever take them from us."

Journalists have vowed to continue their work, insisting they will not be intimidated by the violence and will take legal action against those responsible.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.