
Journalists Elif Akgül, Ercüment Akdeniz, and Yıldız Tar detained

Journalists Elif Akgül, Ercüment Akdeniz, and Yıldız Tar detained

Authorities have detained journalists Elif Akgül and Ercüment Akdeniz in Istanbul, while journalist Yıldız Tar was taken into custody in Ankara. A 24-hour restriction on their access to legal counsel has been imposed.

As part of the same investigation, artist Pınar Aydınlar was also detained.

Yıldız Tar, the editor-in-chief of the LGBTQ+ publication KAOS GL, was taken into custody in a morning raid and brought to the Counterterrorism Branch of the Ankara Police Department. Authorities have stated that he will be transferred to Istanbul.

Elif Akgül was also detained at her home in the morning and taken to the Vatan Police Headquarters in Istanbul, where the restriction on lawyer access remains in effect.

The Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that the detentions were part of a broader operation targeting the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), a pro-Kurdish political movement. The operation spanned 10 provinces, resulting in the detention of 52 individuals.


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