Trial Monitoring

Lawyer Fırat Taşkın acquitted of 'organization membership' charges

Lawyer Fırat Taşkın acquitted of 'organization membership' charges

Ardıl Batmaz

Lawyer Fırat Taşkın, who was on trial for "membership in an organization" following allegations by informant Ümit Akbıyık, was acquitted at the first hearing.

The trial took place at the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court, where Taşkın was present with his lawyers, Serhat Çakmak, Serhat Ökmen, and Gülan Çağın Kaleli Koçer. Many of his colleagues attended the hearing to show support.

In his defense, Taşkın emphasized the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship. Referring to Akbıyık's allegations, he stated, "I do not wish to make a defense regarding the individuals mentioned due to my obligation to keep confidences," reiterating his previous statement to the prosecution.

Informant witness Ümit Akbıyık, speaking via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS), accused Taşkın of providing legal assistance to his clients during detention processes.

The prosecutor requested a conviction for Taşkın on charges of "organization membership." Lawyer Gülan Çağın Kaleli Koçer argued that investigations into lawyers require permission from the Ministry of Justice, which had not been obtained in this case. She added, "The prosecution was insistent because they had no evidence."

Serhat Çakmak, Co-Chair of the Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD), contested the indictment's portrayal of "alleged human rights violations." He emphasized that the ÖHD is a rights organization seeking democratic solutions and that Taşkın's activities were within this framework.

In his final defense, lawyer Serhat Ökmen highlighted the private nature of the attorney-client relationship. He added, "Issues such as whether he paid taxes or received fees are matters for tax officials, not the prosecutor."

After hearing the defenses, the court acquitted Fırat Taşkın and lifted all judicial control measures against him.

Background on the case

As part of an investigation by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, multiple homes were raided in 21 provinces on April 25, 2023. Many individuals, including journalists, politicians, lawyers, and artists, were detained. Lawyer Fırat Taşkın, registered with the Diyarbakır Bar Association, was among those detained.

The charges against Taşkın stemmed from his professional activities, meetings with colleagues, statements to the press about human rights violations in prisons, participation in press conferences, and the testimonies of informant witness Ümit Akbıyık. He was accused of "organization membership" based on these activities.


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