
Legal action against award-winning documentary ‘Met çıkmazı’ sparks outrage: Criminals are protected

Legal action against award-winning documentary ‘Met çıkmazı’ sparks outrage: Criminals are protected


Journalists Tunca Öğreten and Murat Baykara face charges of “promoting drug use” and “failure to report a crime” over their documentary Met Çıkmazı, which examines the widespread and dangerous methamphetamine sales in Turkey. The documentary, published on the Voys YouTube channel, highlights the alarming accessibility and rampant use of methamphetamine.

The journalists condemned the charges, emphasizing that their work was purely journalistic. Baykara stated, “What we did was journalism,” while Öğreten argued, “Criminals have been protected.”


Met Çıkmazı premiered on January 12, 2023, and won the Jury Special Award at the 26th Metin Göktepe Journalism Awards. The film exposes the pervasive use of methamphetamine and its easy availability.

First trial on October 31

Prosecutors have indicted Öğreten and Baykara for “promoting drug use” and “failure to report a crime.” The Bakırköy 13th Criminal Court of First Instance has accepted the indictment, and the trial is set to begin on October 31.

Baykara and Öğreten spoke to the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) about the charges.

Baykara remarked, “Our conscience is clear because what we did was purely journalism. It is disappointing that public resources, which should be used to combat real criminals, are being spent on prosecuting journalists. We hope the judiciary will recognize this absurdity and deliver an acquittal, restoring our faith in our profession.”

Öğreten stated, “This documentary shows how easy it is to access methamphetamine, how widespread its use is, and the painful process of overcoming addiction. The charges of ‘promoting drug use’ are contrary to the realities presented in the film. Therefore, this case is ‘virtual’ and serves to protect drug dealers, those who turn a blind eye to them, and those who cannot stop drug sales in hospital courtyards.”

Lawyer condemns the charges

Voys channel’s legal advisor, Lawyer Tuba Torun, commented on her social media account, saying, “Unfortunately, our prosecutors, instead of pursuing criminals, are chasing those pointing out the crimes. The charge of promoting drug use is intentional. The documentary’s purpose is to seek solutions to the drug scourge. The fundamental reason for the crime of failing to report a crime is to limit the consequences of an ongoing crime. The intention of Met Çıkmazı is precisely this, and the attempt to punish our journalist friends is purely malevolent and utterly unacceptable.”

Contents of the documentary

Met Çıkmazı features interviews with addicts and drug dealers. The journalists documented their undercover efforts, including ordering drugs online and receiving them within 30 minutes, all captured with hidden cameras. They also posed as addicts to infiltrate AMATEM (a drug rehabilitation center), where they bought drugs from dealers in the hospital courtyard, again using hidden cameras to record the transactions.


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