
LGBTQ+ Organizations: "We existed before the associations; we won't cease to exist with their closure"

LGBTQ+ Organizations: "We existed before the associations; we won't cease to exist with their closure"
  SİBEL YÜKLER* The situation for LGBTQ+ community in Turkey has been progressively worsening since 2015. The community faces mounting threats not only through the ban on their marches but also in the form of a comprehensive assault on their basic rights to life, housing, and freedom of association - even their symbols of identity are under attack. The contention that withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention "legitimizes homosexuality" has escalated beyond mere discourse. LGBTQ+ community, under fire from the government, religious factions, and an agenda masquerading as the "protection of the sacred family", have been targeted with a vitriolic hatred that has emerged in multiple cities. This has been systematically orchestrated through the so-called "Great Family Meetings", where they have been exposed to mob violence. These aggressive gatherings, which spanned over a year, were followed by the Presidential Election and Parliamentary Elections in 2023. As political actors targeting LGBTQ+ community coalesced under the People's Alliance, their initial mandate was to further marginalize the LGBTQ+ community. With the Turkish Parliament entering its most conservative era yet, what does this political environment spell for LGBTQ+ community? The Parliament is comprised of right-leaning parties such as the AKP, MHP, the Reformation Welfare Party, the Felicity Party, and Hüda-Par.  

Is it a global trend?

Oğulcan Yediveren, the General Coordinator of SPoD, views the Reformation Welfare Party and Hüda-Par as part of the global trend known as the 'new' or 'radical' right. According to Yediveren, these parties, along with AKP, MHP, and Felicity Party, manage to appeal to diverse societal sectors as they center their focus on opposition. Yediveren explains this new era and potential strategies for resolution as follows: "The radical right bases its political identity entirely on opposition. They are anti-LGBTQ+, anti-vaccine, anti-gender, anti-immigrant... These parties do not propose policies that would improve the lives of their followers, but instead incite emotions of hatred, revulsion, and anger through opposition. They thrive on scandal and quickly disseminate their sensational rhetoric to attract attention. Given their relentless opposition to the LGBTQ+ community, we must work harder to develop a new language and new alliances to counter this politically divisive trend." Anjelik Kelavgil, Social Gender and Capacity Development Coordinator of the 17 May Association, concedes that the current Parliamentary landscape is disappointingly unsurprising. "We understand that the alliance, which uses hatred towards LGBTQ+ community as a building block, will ultimately aim to erode the rights and freedoms of society as a whole. We acknowledge there's no limit to the irrationality of patriarchal power exploiting the masses with antiquated arguments; but we also firmly believe that life is on our side."  

Not just LGBTQ+ under threat

Defne Güzel, a Human Rights Expert of the Kaos GL Association, underscores that such a period targets all societal sectors and rights groups. Asserting that "This is not just the issue of LGBTQ+ communities", Güzel urges everyone committed to equality and freedom to oppose these regressive policies: "Today, the free will and aspirations of a free, equal future for all are threatened across many areas from education policies to lifestyle choices. Therefore, defending LGBTQ+ rights has once again emerged as a crucial responsibility. A democratic, equal, and free future cannot be achieved without defending LGBTQ+ rights. Solidarity is only possible with the inclusion of LGBTQ+ community. The importance of this solidarity is felt increasingly every day." The government is attempting to legally suppress LGBTQ+ community through laws such as the Prevention of Terrorism Law and the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations. This strategy not only endangers LGBTQ+ lives, but it also severely impacts their associations - their last refuge where they can express their demands and rights. The future of many associations at the heart of LGBTQ+ advocacy, such as SPoD, Kaos GL, Pink Life, and Black Pink Triangle, now hangs in the balance due to potential closure orders and penalties. Despite these daunting threats and pressures, LGBTQ+ community and associations are unwavering in their commitment to continue their fight. They are consolidating their efforts with other organizations, forging new alliances, and devising innovative ways to make their voices heard. Hayriye Kara, a lawyer for the Kaos GL Association, emphasizes that the mounting pressure on associations does not signify the end of the LGBTQ+ fight. "The LGBTQ+ struggle predated the establishment of these associations, and it will persevere even if these associations are shut down. The struggle will advance in an even more organized, systematic, and robust manner." Defne Güzel also highlights the significance of building alliances with other human rights organizations and advocates. "We have been collaborating with various societal sectors for a long time; we are growing and strengthening together. So, even if our associations are closed, our fight will not end - it will endure on different platforms and areas." As the LGBTQ+ community grapples with these adversities and uncertainties, the need for international solidarity becomes increasingly vital. Supportive voices from global rights organizations and governments can provide a vital lifeline for these endangered individuals and groups, ensuring their fight for equality and human rights continues unabated. Despite the dire threats, these organizations and individuals harbor a hopeful vision for a future free from discrimination and violence for all. Their struggle serves as a testament to the potential for progress, even amidst considerable adversity. It also acts as a global call to action, urging people around the world to stand up for the rights of all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. *SİBEL YÜKLER is a Turkey-based writer and human rights activist.    

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