
Metin Cihan, who reported on suspicious death of Rabia Naz, forced to leave Turkey

Metin Cihan,  who reported on suspicious death of Rabia Naz, forced to leave Turkey

MLSA - Metin Cihan, the journalist who brought the suspicious death of 11-year-old Rabia Naz Vatan in Turkey to public attention, has announced that he was forced to leave the country due to pressures. This statement follows his persistent efforts to shed light on the case, which remains unresolved.

Rabia Naz Vatan was found injured in front of her home on April 13, 2018, in the Eynesil district of Giresun, a province located on the Black Sea coast of northeastern Turkey. She later succumbed to her injuries in the hospital. The circumstances surrounding her death sparked widespread debate and controversy, with different theories emerging about what transpired.

Cihan, expressing his concerns via his personal Twitter account, stated, "I fear the mafia more than the state itself." He reflected on his disillusionment with the lack of progress in the investigation: "There were a few times I was very hopeful that Rabia Naz's death would be illuminated, but unfortunately, it did not happen. Instead, they tried to commit her father to a mental hospital, and an investigation was opened against me. I'm currently abroad and going through tough times."

He further explained the pressures leading to his departure, citing fear for his son's well-being: "I had to end our vacation abruptly. I couldn't bear the thought of being arrested in front of my 7-year-old son, causing him such trauma. To see what would happen and decide what to do next, I went abroad."

Cihan also questioned why he was being targeted over old tweets: "Why am I being targeted with very old tweets? I don't know what reputation I have, but they are trying to discredit me. Unfortunately, they are still trying to cover up Rabia Naz's death, attempting to undermine the trust people have in me. I feel like I am facing not the state but the mafia. I fear the mafia."

Social media users have rallied around Cihan following his announcement, creating the hashtag #MetinCihanYalnızDeğildir (Metin Cihan is Not Alone) to show their support.

Background of the Case:

Rabia Naz Vatan's death has been surrounded by conflicting claims. While some theories suggest suicide or an accidental fall, her father, Şaban Vatan, has persistently argued that his daughter was hit by a car. He claims the incident was subsequently covered up with the intervention of Nurettin Canikli, a Member of Parliament from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Giresun.

Şaban Vatan stated, "My daughter was hit by a car, but the impact was not severe enough to result in a fatal accident. They left her beside our house, attempting to create the impression that she had jumped from the terrace floor in a suicide attempt. She died from loss of blood."

He accused the nephew of Eynesil's Mayor, Coşkun Somuncuoğlu, of being responsible for the accident. Following legal action by Şaban Vatan, a court ordered his commitment to a mental health institution.

Metin Cihan had taken it upon himself to inform the public about the father's quest for justice, using Twitter to detail the case. This sparked widespread attention and discussion on social media.


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