MLSA releases report on freedom of expression under Turkey’s ‘censorship law’

MLSA releases report on freedom of expression under Turkey’s ‘censorship law’


The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) has released its report, Freedom of Expression Under the Shadow of the Censorship Law, which examines the impact of Turkey’s controversial “censorship law” enacted in 2022. The report was presented to the public during a panel held at TGS Academy in Istanbul.

The event began with opening remarks from MLSA Co-Director Barış Altıntaş, followed by a speech from Benjamin Abonyi of the Canadian Embassy. Abonyi emphasized that freedom of expression and press freedom are core principles of Canada’s foreign policy and expressed satisfaction in collaborating with MLSA on this project.

The report, authored by MLSA Diyarbakır correspondent Deniz Tekin, was presented by MLSA General Coordinator Batıkan Erkoç. According to the findings, more than two years have passed since the law—officially added to the Turkish Penal Code in 2022 under the title Publicly Disseminating Misleading Information—came into effect. During this time, over 4,500 people have been investigated under its provisions.

The MLSA tracked 93 investigations for the report, 24 of which resulted in legal cases. More than 80 investigations targeted 64 journalists. The report found that the majority of investigations against journalists were linked to their reporting on issues such as earthquakes, corruption, and elections. More than 20 journalists were detained, and at least three were arrested under this law.

Following the presentation, a panel discussion titled Truth as a Crime: Article 217/A and Journalism was moderated by MLSA’s Barış Altıntaş. Panelists included Turkish Journalists’ Union (TGS) Secretary General Banu Tuna, T24 Managing Editor Candan Yıldız, Bianet Women and LGBTQI+ News Editor Evrim Kepenek, and lawyer Enes Ermaner.

Banu Tuna noted that when the law was first introduced, they had predicted it would lead to the current situation and warned that similar restrictive laws may follow. She stressed the importance of solidarity in resisting these measures.

Candan Yıldız argued that the law effectively serves as a tool for self-censorship among journalists, as it has been used to intimidate those covering topics the government wants to suppress.

Lawyer Enes Ermaner highlighted that the law lacks legal predictability, but the real issue predates the legislation itself—namely, the judiciary’s attitude toward journalists.

Evrim Kepenek spoke about her own experiences with legal cases and investigations, emphasizing that such pressures would not deter journalists. She underlined the importance of solidarity and the active participation of both journalists and professional organizations in court cases.

The event concluded with a Q&A session.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.