
Mobile Press House in the earthquake zone makes journalists "feel not forgotten"

Mobile Press House in the earthquake zone makes journalists "feel not forgotten"


One year has passed since the earthquake... While some of the wounds left behind are irreparable, others are gradually healing. The Journalists Association has been working throughout the year to support journalists affected by the earthquake. The Association’s Mobile Press House provided equipment and technical support to journalists in the earthquake zone and documented their challenges.

Eleven provinces were directly affected by the consecutive earthquakes on February 6 last year. Many journalists and media institutions residing in the earthquake zones lost their equipment under the rubble, and their buildings were destroyed. Journalists without equipment were unable to inform the public about the situation in their areas.

The Ankara Journalists Association established a Mobile Press House to ensure journalists could continue their profession and maintain the flow of information to the public in any disaster or crisis situation. Over the year, the Mobile Press House provided shooting support and attended promotional meetings in Hatay, Adıyaman, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, and Muğla. Nearly 100 journalists received shooting support during these visits.

At the promotional meetings, journalists were introduced to the equipment and facilities available in the Mobile Press House. Information on the rules for borrowing equipment, the scheduling system for programs and broadcast shootings was also provided.

Continued Support for Disaster Areas

Kenan Şener, Secretary-General of the Journalists Association, mentioned that in recent months, the vehicle has repeatedly visited Hatay and its districts, distributing personal hygiene and aid materials to journalists and providing news equipment services. "The Press House will continue to provide planned support and shooting services," Şener said.

In October, the Mobile Press House provided technical support for a program conducted by Hatay's local channel HRT Akdeniz TV with Mayor Lütfü Savaş on the 100th anniversary of the Republic. "We also supported the filming of the 'Journalists in Hatay discuss the earthquake' program with four journalists from İskenderun. As journalists plan their shootings, we will continue to gather applications and support disaster areas," Şener added.

Press House to Benefit NGOs

The Journalists Association aims to make all equipment in the vehicle available not only to journalists but also to all aid organizations and NGOs in need during natural disasters and crises. Şener, emphasizing that the Mobile Press Vehicle has thermal insulation and heaters, allowing staff to spend the night in the vehicle, shared their plans to add winter tents and a caravan to provide shelter and warmth for journalists in emergencies.

"Our vehicle will soon have solar power and satellite internet systems. So far, electricity has been supplied from the vehicle's solar energy system in locations without external electrical connections. The Association will use the vehicle in its training projects for local media and provide free service for as many journalists as possible."

'Our Equipment Was Not Suitable for Outdoor Shooting'

HRT Akdeniz TV, which suffered severe damage to its building, live broadcast, and program recording equipment in the earthquake, was among those who benefited from the Mobile Press House last year. General Manager Ali Şahin mentioned they moved to a smaller studio after the earthquake. "We broadcast from here, but we had no equipment for outdoor shooting. We used the Association's Mobile Press House to conduct a program with Mayor Lütfü Savaş at Habib-i Neccar Hill in Hatay. We wanted to show the destruction in Hatay from a high point, and we were able to do so," said Şahin.

'There Were Times We Had to Pause the Broadcast for Two Hours'

Ali Şahin believes that the Journalists Association's Mobile Press House is a very valuable initiative, providing not only technical support but also a sense of solidarity among local media. He emphasized the significant losses, especially in printed publications and TV channels' technical equipment.

"We couldn't broadcast for three months. When we resumed, we faced many technical problems. Power outages were frequent. Once, we lost electricity during a broadcast and couldn't air for two hours. Lack of infrastructure often led to internet issues. Generators are needed, but they increase costs significantly. Things are somewhat better now," Şahin said.

Şahin highlighted the positive impact of such initiatives in empowering local journalists.


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