Hearing news

Multiple press freedom cases heard in Turkey in February 24 week

Multiple press freedom cases heard in Turkey in February 24 week


In the week of Feb. 24, several trials related to freedom of expression took place in Turkey. A total of 10 journalists, one academic, and 11 lawyers appeared before the court. Two journalists were sentenced, one journalist faced a new investigation, and three journalists were acquitted.

On Feb. 18, journalists Elif Akgül and Yıldız Tar, who were detained in a raid targeting the Democratic People's Congress (HDK) and later arrested, filed an appeal against their detention with the support of the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA). Five acquittals were issued in various cases this week.

Two journalists sentenced, one faces investigation

Journalist Nevşin Mengü was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison on charges of "propaganda."
Journalist Mahmut Altıntaş was convicted in a case related to "terrorist organization propaganda."
Journalist Oktay Candemir became the subject of two separate investigations for allegedly "spreading misleading information to the public" and "violating a publication ban."

Acquittals in multiple cases

  • Members of the Diyarbakır Bar Association were acquitted in a case related to their April 24 statement on the Armenian genocide.
  • Lawyer Cenk Yiğiter was acquitted in a separate case.
  • Journalist Evrim Kepenek was acquitted of charges of "spreading misleading information to the public."
  • Writer Gökhan Yavuzel was acquitted of "inciting hatred and enmity."
  • LGBTQ+ activist İris Mozalar was acquitted in her case.
  • Journalist Levent Gültekin was acquitted of "insulting the president."

Academic released from prison

Academic Çiğdem Bayraktar Ör, who was on trial for allegedly "insulting the president," was released at her first hearing.

Ongoing trials

  • The trial against journalist Sedef Kabaş on charges of "insulting the president" was postponed.
  • In a case involving journalist Sultan Eylem Keleş, the court referred the case file to an expert witness for review.
  • The seventh hearing in journalist Barış Terkoğlu’s trial, initiated following a complaint by former Istanbul Regional Court Chief Prosecutor Hadi Salihoğlu, was postponed to June 19.

Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.