News Workshop IV: The third gazeteMLSA is on its way

News Workshop IV: The third gazeteMLSA is on its way
The fourth news workshop of the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) which was organized with the support of the Grant Program of the Embassy of the United States was held in Sapanca between April 14-17. Coordinated by the T24 Ankara Correspondent Gökçer Tahincioğlu and the Turkey Journalists’ Union (TGS) İstanbul Chair Banu Tuna, the workshop brought young journalists together with journalists Bahar Çuhadar, Ali Topuz, Ayça Söylemez and Pelin Cengiz. During the workshop,  the participants learned about cultural journalism, the techniques of page layout for a newspaper, case journalism and eco-journalism. The participants also attended their last editorial meeting in which they discussed the news stories they had prepared for the third issue of gazeteMLSA.

Workshop sessions

The workshop started with the editorial meeting led by Banu Tuna and Gökçer Tahincioğlu. At the meeting, the participants received feedback from Tuna and Tahincioğlu on the news stories they prepared for the third issue of gazeteMLSA. In the session, the participants were also tasked with a news story to prepare at the end of the workshop. After the lunch, the workshop continued with the session titled “Cultural Journalism” by Bahar Çuhadar. Emphasizing that arts and culture have begun to be considered a basic need, especially after the pandemic during which many theaters and cinemas were closed and concerts were canceled, cultural journalism has also begun to be considered as something more than reporting about which event takes place where. The first day of the workshop was concluded with the session titled “Editorial Desk” by Ali Topuz. Moving from his own experience, Topuz explained to the participants the process of preparing a newspaper for print. Topuz also shared with the participants the techniques and rules of page layout for a newspaper. The second day of the workshop began with the session titled “Case journalism and following up on a news story” by Ayça Söylemez. Söylemez shared with the participants the techniques and rules for quality case journalism. Emphasizing that following up on the news story central to one’s case is as important as conducting research from various sources, Söylemez told participants that the story is not always in the minutes of a hearing, giving the example of the trials related to the infamous “Operation Return to Life.” The workshop continued with the session titled “Ecological and Environmental Journalism” by Pelin Cengiz. Drawing attention to the fact that the climate crisis is deepening day by day and affecting every aspect of life more and more, Cengiz said that it is very important who are those responsible for this particular crisis so that it can be dealt with effectively. Cengiz explained the importance of eco- journalism further over examples in Turkey. The workshop was concluded with a session in which the participants presented the news stories they prepared during the workshop. In the session, the participants received feedback from Gökçer Tahincioğlu and Banu Tuna on the stories they had interviewed one another for. MLSA’s News Workshop has its first graduates now and the work on the third issue of gazeteMLSA still continues…

Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.