
One released in trial of 29 journalists accused of coup charges

One released in trial of 29 journalists accused of coup charges

A former Zaman journalist was let go on 6 February in a trial where 29 journalists including Murat Aksoy, Meydan columnist Atilla Taş and Habertürk broadcast coordinator Oğuz Usluer are accused of coup charges. 

The prosecutor also made his final submission asking for 24 of the suspects to be punished for "membership in an armed organization." The prosecutor also asked for the arrest of Atilla Taş (Meydan) , Ali Akkuş (Zaman), Bünyamin Köseli (Aksiyon) abd Cihan Acar. For Murat Aksoy, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu (Türk Solu magazine) and Muhterem Tanık, the prosecutor asked for "aiding a terrorist organization without being member."

The Istanbul 25th High Criminal Court rejected the demands for arresting those suspects and rued to let İbrahim Balta, who complained of poor health, go. For a list of all the imprisoned journalists in prison, visit

Thirteen of the suspects were on trial for attempting to overthrow the government, but none of them are now accused of that charge, the punishment for which is life. 

The next hearing will be on 22 February. For a list of upcoming press freedom trials visit


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