
Planning the Future: Democracy and Human Rights in Turkey After the Elections

Planning the Future: Democracy and Human Rights in Turkey After the Elections

A roundtable discussion titled "Planning the Future: Democracy and Human Rights in Turkey After the Elections" was held, organized by the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) with the participation of representatives from various civil society organizations. The meeting, supported by Article 19 and held at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) office in Beyoğlu on Friday, Sept. 15, saw the participation of 21 individuals from 15 different civil society organizations, along with two freelance journalists.

The roundtable aimed to discuss the past, present, and future of civil society organizations in Turkey, focusing on the themes of freedom of assembly, online bans and media, the state of social movements, future threats and opportunities, and the future of civil society. Participants shared experiences and ideas on the challenges faced by their organizations, including physical and bureaucratic barriers, and discussed the steps taken to overcome these obstacles. They also explored future plans and activities of their organizations. The event concluded at 6:30 p.m.

Organizations such as the MLSA, FNF, Göç-İz-Der, Hafıza Merkezi, Women's Human Rights Association, Media and Migration Association, Kaos GL, Turkish Journalists' Union (TGS), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Saturday Mothers, SPOD, Civil Rights Defenders, Romani Godi, and Purple Roof were represented at the meeting. This gathering underscored the collaborative efforts and ongoing commitment of civil society in Turkey to address and advocate for democracy and human rights in the post-election landscape.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.