
Police threaten LGBT+ activists in detention: 'If something happens to you, no one will find you'

Police threaten LGBT+ activists in detention: 'If something happens to you, no one will find you'

Nalin Öztek

The fourth annual Pride March in Eskişehir was disrupted by police intervention, resulting in the detention of 10 LGBT+ activists who reported experiencing police violence. The activists stated that when they resisted the violence in the police vehicle and at the station, officers threatened them, saying, "This is the police station! If something happens to you, no one will find you. I can do whatever I want."

The planned Pride March, set to take place in front of the Ulus Monument in Eskişehir, was halted by police before it could begin. The monument was surrounded by police hours before the event, citing the march as "unauthorized." However, no official ban was communicated to the activists or their lawyers, and journalists attempting to document the events were also obstructed.

The 10 detainees were taken to Yunus Emre State Hospital for a health check, where they were denied access to their lawyers. Lawyer Hasan Çayır reported that police told them, "It’s my decision not to allow you to meet."

The Eskişehir Pride Week Committee condemned the actions on social media, calling them a "homophobic attack that violated constitutional rights."

Denied basic needs, subjected to violence

The detained activists recounted the violations they faced during their detention. They were deprived of basic needs such as water, food, and access to restrooms. They described being subjected to police violence both in the police vehicle and at the station. When they tried to resist, the police threatened them, saying, "This is the police station! If something happens to you, no one will find you. I can do whatever I want."

Following their statements, four of the 10 detainees were referred to the prosecutor’s office, while six were released. The prosecutor then referred three individuals to the magistrate judge on charges of "resisting to prevent public officials from performing their duties" and "assaulting officers," under Article 265 of the Turkish Penal Code. The prosecutor requested judicial control measures for the fourth person. While waiting in the courthouse with handcuffs behind their backs, the activists were again denied access to basic needs such as water and restrooms.

The Eskişehir 2nd Criminal Judgeship of Peace rejected the detention requests and released the LGBT+ activists.

Lawyer Çayır: Clients were deprived of basic rights during detention

Speaking to MLSA, lawyer Hasan Çayır stated that the LGBT+ community gathered in Eskişehir to exercise their freedom of expression, guaranteed by the constitution and international treaties, but were obstructed from doing so.

Çayır noted that despite the absence of a ban on the Pride March, it was prevented on the grounds that it was unauthorized and not compliant with Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations. "From the moment of detention to being brought to the police station, our clients were not allowed to meet with their lawyers and were deprived of basic rights," he said.

Çayır also mentioned that hate speech was directed at LGBT+ activists during their statements at the police station, and they were denied chairs during lawyer-client meetings. The police stated, "There are no chairs for you," forcing clients to stand during the meeting.

He added that while waiting at the prosecutor's office with handcuffs behind their backs, the clients were again deprived of basic needs such as water and restrooms.

18 activists acquitted previously

Previous attempts to hold Pride Marches in Eskişehir were similarly obstructed, with activists detained each time. During the third Eskişehir Pride March in 2023, 18 people were detained and prosecuted for "violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations." The Eskişehir 4th Criminal Court of First Instance acquitted all 18 activists at the second hearing on March 1, 2024.


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