Trial Monitoring

Professor Baskın Oran testifies in Ankara University's 'Cow Festival' trial

Professor Baskın Oran testifies in Ankara University's 'Cow Festival' trial


In the second trial concerning Ankara University’s traditional ‘Cow Festival,’ Professor Baskın Oran testified, emphasizing the significance of the festival as an essential tradition of Mülkiye and noting that no previous lawsuits had ever been filed over the celebrations.

The trial, held at Ankara 68th Criminal Court of First Instance, involves ten individuals accused of "publicly denigrating the religious values adopted by a section of the public" and "insulting the President." The second hearing of the case took place today, with many alumni and students attending, although the courtroom could only accommodate a limited number of spectators.

Among those present were former Mülkiyeliler Birliği Presidents Ali Çolak, Sevilay Çelenk, Dinçer Demirkent, İlker Akcasoy, current President Fuat Şen, former Mülkiye professors Dr. Baskın Oran and Assoc. Dr. Murat Sevinç.

Prof. Dr. Oran: No investigation has ever been conducted until now

Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran, an alumnus and former Head of the International Relations Department at Ankara University's Faculty of Political Science, testified first. He highlighted that the 'Cow Festival' had been celebrated since before his graduation in 1965 without any legal repercussions.

Describing the festival as Mülkiye's most significant tradition, Oran explained its historical context, stating, “The Cow Prayer recited during the festival is a form of critique. Mülkiye is an institution built on criticism and tolerance. No investigation has been conducted regarding this festival in all those years. Even when Prime Minister Süleyman Demirel was booed by students, no one faced an investigation. The festival has no connection to religion or atheism; it is a student tradition filled with humor and joy.”

President Şen: The festival is a spring celebration for yearly evaluation

Following Oran, Fuat Şen, the current president of Mülkiyeliler Birliği, testified. He reiterated the festival's traditional nature, stating, “The Cow Festival is a spring celebration to relieve the year's stress and critique the academic administration. The prayer recited criticizes both professors and politicians, but I have never heard any insult directed at them. We have never seen any politician file a lawsuit because of it. Some politicians even enjoyed the festival’s humor.”

Representing President Erdoğan, lawyer Çağla Kudu argued that the statements in question exceeded the boundaries of criticism and reiterated demands for the defendants to be penalized.

The court adjourned the trial to September 26 to address the pending issues.

Case background

The ‘Cow Festival’ has been a tradition at Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Science (Mülkiye) since the 1930s. The current case marks the second time in history that legal action has been taken against the festival. The charges involve allegations of publicly denigrating religious values and insulting the President during the festival celebrations.


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