Hearing news

Prosecution seeks punishment for former HDP officials over 'Armenian Genocide' statement

Prosecution seeks punishment for former HDP officials over 'Armenian Genocide' statement


Former members of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee (MYK) face up to six months to two years in prison for a statement released on the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The third hearing of the case, involving eleven former MYK members, was held under the accusation of "denigrating the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, and the institutions and organs of the state" under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code.

The hearing, conducted at the Ankara 48th Criminal Court of First Instance, proceeded in the absence of the accused politicians, with their lawyers Kenan Maçoğlu and Senem Doğanoğlu present. The prosecution's opinion submitted to the file argued that the statement made on the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was aimed at "humiliating the Turkish nation in the eyes of history and the international community" and was "publicly degrading" towards the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish nation, exceeding the limits of freedom of expression.

The court noted that there was no response from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey regarding the current parliamentary status of Tuncer Bakırhan, a former MYK member and now Co-Chair of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Parti). However, based on Google research confirming Bakırhan's status as a member of parliament, the case against him was separated.

Granting the defense lawyers additional time to prepare their statements, the court adjourned the hearing to 21 March at 11:30.

This case highlights ongoing tensions in Turkey regarding freedom of expression and historical controversies, particularly related to the Armenian Genocide, a subject that remains sensitive and legally contentious within the country.


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