Trial Monitoring

Prosecutor requests 'misconduct' charges for two police officers in strip search case


In the trial of the police officers accused of subjecting Mücella Yapıcı, a spokesperson for Taksim Solidarity, and her daughter Cansu Yapıcı to a strip search, the prosecutor has requested that two police officers be sentenced for "misconduct." The prosecutor also requested the acquittal of the detention center chief.

During the Gezi Park protests, Mücella Yapıcı, Cansu Yapıcı, and several others were detained and held in custody for four days. The ninth hearing of the case, in which two police officers and a detention center chief are charged with "torture and ill-treatment," was held at the Istanbul 11th High Criminal Court.

Neither Mücella Yapıcı nor Cansu Yapıcı attended the hearing, but their lawyer, Berfin Karaşah, was present. The lawyers of the accused officers were also in attendance. One of the officers, L.M., who is currently detained on a separate charge, participated via the Audio-Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from Bolu T Type Closed Penal Institution.

In his opinion, the prosecutor stated that officers S.K. and C.B. violated Article 10 of the Regulation on Apprehension, Detention, and Statement Taking, and Article 28 of the Regulation on Judicial and Preventive Searches by conducting a strip search. He argued that for "torture" to be established, actions must be systematic and carried out over a specific period. Since the search procedures were improperly conducted, the prosecutor requested that the officers be sentenced individually for "misconduct."

Regarding L.M., the prosecutor found no concrete evidence that the officer had closed the ventilation in the detention area and noted that inadequate ventilation was the responsibility of the administration. He also highlighted that the only evidence regarding Mücella Yapıcı not receiving her medication was her own statement. Consequently, the prosecutor recommended L.M.'s acquittal of the charges of "neglect of duty" and "torture."

The court adjourned the hearing to October 17, granting time for statements to be prepared in response to the prosecutor's opinion.


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