Trial Monitoring

Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Asuman Aranca in first hearing

Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Asuman Aranca in first hearing


At the first hearing of the trial against journalist Asuman Aranca, who is charged with "violating confidentiality" for her report on the expert witness report related to the assassination of former Ülkü Ocakları President Sinan Ateş, the prosecutor called for her conviction. The prosecutor claimed that the article exceeded the limits of freedom of the press and requested a sentence for Aranca.

The case, being heard at the Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance, centers on Aranca's T24 article titled “T24 obtains expert witness report from Sinan Ateş murder file: Ülkü Ocakları President asked for Ateş’s address!” The prosecutor argued that the content of the article did not serve the public interest and that by revealing details from the expert report, Aranca had overstepped the boundaries of press freedom.

Aranca’s defense

Participating via video link (SEGBİS) from the Ankara 52nd Criminal Court of First Instance, Aranca defended her work, stating, “I wrote the article in question. The suspects in the case were already in custody by the time of my reporting. The purpose of the article was to inform the public about the facts of the case. I did not violate anyone’s presumption of innocence.”

Aranca also noted that she was unaware of any confidentiality order at the time of publishing, as the expert report was sent to her anonymously. She emphasized that she was performing her duties as a journalist and requested acquittal.

Prosecutor's request for conviction

During the hearing, the prosecutor presented their final opinion, asserting that the report was not in the public interest and that the disclosure of the expert witness report violated press freedom limits. They demanded that Aranca be convicted for "violating confidentiality."

Following this, Aranca requested time to respond to the prosecutor’s statement. The court accepted her request and adjourned the trial to March 11, 2025.


The case is part of broader legal scrutiny in Turkey over journalistic coverage of sensitive topics, with concerns about the limits of press freedom and the public’s right to know. Aranca's report on the high-profile Sinan Ateş assassination has drawn attention due to its political implications and the involvement of nationalist figures.



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