Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Emre Orman for resisting police

Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Emre Orman for resisting police

Eylem Sonbahar

Journalist Emre Orman, who was assaulted and detained while covering the commemoration of the Madımak Massacre, is facing charges of "resisting the police" and "preventing police from performing their duty." The prosecutor is seeking a conviction.

The second hearing of the case, for which the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) provides legal defense, was held at the Istanbul Anadolu 20th Criminal Court of First Instance. Although Orman was not present, MLSA lawyer Fatih Aydın attended the session. Complainant police officer E.Ç. and another officer, E.G., who signed the incident report, were also present.

The complainant officer stated, "During the march with slogans 'Do not forget the Sivas Massacre,' we were on duty. The defendant claimed to be a journalist, but refused to show his press card and insisted on staying among the protesters. When the group did not disperse, we intervened according to our authority. We tried to take his camera with the stand to protect it from damage. During this time, the defendant slapped and punched me. I am filing a complaint and request to be part of the case."
Testimony of police witness: 'Did not identify as journalist, used camera to strike officer'

Witness officer E.G. claimed Orman did not identify himself as a journalist and said, "During the intervention, there was a scuffle between the defendant and the complainant. He used his camera to hit the complainant. The report is accurate."
Lawyer Aydın: 'Witness testimony is contradictory'

Lawyer Fatih Aydın pointed out contradictions in the witness statements, noting that the forensic report indicated the complainant was present while the witness officer was not visible in the video footage. The witness officer responded, "I was there but not in the camera frame. My statement was taken a few days later because we work as a team and provide statements based on availability."
Lack of response from police for requested footage

After the witness left the courtroom, Aydın highlighted the need for camera footage requested twice from the Sancaktepe District Police Department, which had yet to receive a response. Aydın insisted that obtaining these recordings is crucial for the case to proceed properly.

In the final opinion, the prosecutor argued that Orman intentionally prevented the officer from performing his duty and caused minor injuries treatable with simple medical intervention. Therefore, the prosecutor requested Orman be convicted of "resisting to prevent the performance of duty."

The court accepted the complainant officer's request to participate in the case due to potential harm and adjourned the trial to October 17 to allow for the defense's response to the prosecutor's final opinion.
Background of the case

On July 2, 2023, journalist Emre Orman was covering a march commemorating the Madımak Massacre in Sarıgazi, Istanbul, when he was assaulted and detained by police. Following this incident, Orman was charged with "resisting to prevent the performance of duty."


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