Hearing news

Prosecutor seeks penalty for journalist Bedeloğlu on complaint from MHP deputy

Prosecutor seeks penalty for journalist Bedeloğlu on complaint from MHP deputy

Eylem Sonbahar

A prosecutor has requested a penalty for journalist Gözde Bedeloğlu, who is being tried following a complaint from Sermet Akay, a deputy of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The charge against Bedeloğlu is "insulting a public official due to their duty."

Gözde Bedeloğlu, a columnist for BirGün newspaper, is on trial for her article titled "From Yesterday to Today: Those Who Protect the State," published on April 9, 2023. The lawsuit was initiated after a complaint by Sermet Akay, MHP deputy for Gaziantep.

The second hearing of the case took place at the Istanbul 2nd Court of First Instance. Bedeloğlu, who is accused of "insulting a public official due to their duty," did not attend the hearing, but her lawyer was present.

The prosecutor, stating that their opinion on the merits of the case was ready, requested that Bedeloğlu be punished for the alleged crime.

Following the request for additional time by Bedeloğlu's lawyer to prepare a defense against the prosecutor's opinion on the merits, the court accepted the request and adjourned the trial to May 23, 2024.

The case reflects ongoing concerns in Turkey regarding freedom of the press and expression, especially in instances where journalists face legal challenges due to their work. The trial of Bedeloğlu is one of several cases that highlight the tension between media freedom and legal actions initiated by public officials in Turkey. The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) is a political party known for its nationalist stance, and its members have been active in pursuing legal action against journalists and media figures for perceived insults or criticisms. Gaziantep, where the MHP deputy Sermet Akay is from, is a major city in southeastern Turkey, known for its rich history and cultural significance.


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