
Saturday Mothers on Söz Hakkı "War over Galatasaray Square must end, we want to speak about the disapparences and impunity "

Saturday Mothers on Söz Hakkı "War over Galatasaray Square must end, we want to speak about the disapparences and impunity "


May 31, 2024 - Besna Tosun from the Saturday Mothers/People and journalist-author Serdar Korucu appeared on MLSA TV, speaking with Yıldız Tar on the program "Right to Speak." They discussed the history of the struggle for the disappeared, the 1000th week of meetings that was held without interference, and what might happen in the 1001st week.

"We want the street battles to end," Tosun said, calling for Galatasaray Square, which was opened for the 1000th meeting last week, to remain accessible for future gatherings:

“The obstruction of our meetings at Galatasaray Square and the detention of families of the disappeared have made it impossible for us to discuss our demands. We want to talk about our losses, impunity, and our demands. The square was opened for the 1000th week. What happened? Contrary to claims, neither tram nor pedestrian traffic was disrupted, and there were no issues. Yet, for a half-hour gathering every Saturday, the police block off Galatasaray for 24 hours each week.”

Korucu, author of the book "Saturday Mothers - 1000 Weeks at Galatasaray Square," emphasized the life-saving impact of the Saturday Mothers’ struggle:

“The struggle has achieved significant gains. Disappearances under custody ceased. Without the Saturday Mothers, these disappearances would not have stopped, and Turkey would be a much darker place. The Saturday Mothers saved many lives.”

You can watch the full broadcast on MLSA’s X (Twitter) and YouTube accounts.


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