Trial Monitoring

Six politicians acquitted in 'Afrin statement' trial

Six politicians acquitted in 'Afrin statement' trial

In Ankara, six politicians, including the former co-spokesperson of the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Onur Hamzaoğlu, and the vice-chair of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), Fadime Çelebi, have been acquitted in a trial concerning their statements criticizing Turkey's military operation in Afrin in 2018. The 14th hearing took place at the Ankara 29th High Criminal Court, where the accused were cleared of charges such as "publicly inciting hatred and hostility" and "making propaganda for an organization."

During the trial, the prosecution reiterated its stance that the seven individuals, excluding those who had previously been separated from the case, should be punished. After the final defenses, the court issued acquittals for six of the politicians, while deciding to separate the case against the former co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Mehmet Arslan.

Background of the case

The case against these politicians stemmed from a press statement made in Ankara after Turkey's Afrin operation, in which they were accused of "publicly inciting hatred and hostility" and "making propaganda for a terrorist organization." Following house raids on February 9, 2018, Çelebi and Hamzaoğlu were detained and later arrested by an on-duty court on February 17, 2018.

The indictment included charges against other prominent figures such as the co-chairs of the Socialist Rebirth Party (SYKP) Ahmet Kaya and Tülay Hatimoğulları, the HDP co-chair Serpil Kemalbay, HDK co-spokesperson Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, DBP co-chair Mehmet Arslan, and several others. The indictment focused on the press statement titled "We stand with the people of Afrin" held on February 4, 2018, by then HDP co-chair Serpil Kemalbay along with spokespeople from constituent parties and organizations of the HDP.

The prosecution argued that the statements, which described Afrin as part of Rojava within Syria's borders and called for an end to what they termed an invasion attempt, were public accusations against the Republic of Turkey and aimed to discredit Turkey's Olive Branch operation, while supporting the PKK/KCK and inciting public hatred.

The acquittal of the six politicians marks a significant conclusion to a case that has seen various phases of legal proceedings, including the separation of cases for individuals who were arrested, fled, or were elected as members of parliament.


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